Chapter 6

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"Check it out, I found the perfect spell. Magnetic pull-ed pork Sandwiches. It will attract the spells from Chuck's book back into ours." Kelly said

"I don't know about this Kelly." Hanna took the book. "We've never tried a spell on the cookbook itself."

"What other choice do we have? He's stealing our magic." Kelly took the cookbook back. "And who knows what he'll do next."

"Maybe we should talk to the OC's." Darbie said

"No! After Grandma's whole "Let's not tell the Girls." Speech, I'm not too eager to clue her in."

"I agree with you there, I just think we should take a second, slow down and really think about this." Hannah suggested.

"Do you agree with her guys?" Kelly asked Darbie and me.

"I say go for it"

"Please don't make me choose."


Obviously we cooked it.

"Now the riddle, to pull your desire into your ranks, take a deep breath and fill out the blanks."I read.

"Well that must be this" Hannah pointed at the to blankes in the book.

"Pull blank to blank."

"That's so cool. It's like a magical Mad libs. All we have to do is fill in what we want to attract, and where we want it to go" Darbie said

"How about, Pull our spells to this book?" Kelly suggested and was about to take a bite of her sandwich.

"Uh, Hello. Have you ever played Mad libs? You need to write it." I said

"Right of course. Duh."


"It didn't work, look. The words vanished."

"We missed a part. Tack care that you're able to rime, or else attempt another time." Hannah sighed

"How about, pull the spells we used to cook to this magical cookbook?" I asked

"Simple, I like that." Darbie said and Kelly wrote it down in the cookbook.

"Okay, take two."

The two pages we used flew away and disappeared.

"That- that's okay. That's what's been happening. When the spell kicks in, they'll all be pulled back to our book." Kelly said nervously, when more and more recipes got sucked into the book disappearing.

"How do we explain that one?" Darbie asked

"This can't be good."

"No shit Sherlock." 'Just kidding already knew this was gonna happen.'

"What's happening?" Kelly took the book.

"The riddle. The spell did work.But we wrote for the spells to get to this book." Hannah realized the problem.

"Right. This book" Darbie punished their magic book. "So why are they leaving?"

"Because the Magnetic pull-ed pork recipe was automatically pulled from this book to Chuckes book." I explained, acting like I just realised.

"So now this book doesn't mean our book anymore, it means his."

"Ugh! I hate pronouns."

"Now Chuck's getting our recipes faster than ever." Kelly panicked, making the other two panic with her.

"That means we started a leak."

"Worst, we started a geyser."


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