Chapter 3

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Katrinas POV

We made some 'If these walls could Taco' and went to Mrs.Silvers to see what granny did with the carmel apple she gave to Charles.

"Ready?" Kelly asked as we all took out our tacos. "All right walls show us the day the OCs cooked the carmel apple."

"Or not..?" Darbie deadpanned when nothing happened.

Me already standing by a wall "We have to touch the walls you dumbfucks."

They walked over to a wall and counted to three at the same time we touched the walls.

The three younger magical-cook's stood around the stove.

"When is your mom get home?" Young granny asked younger mrs.Silvers.

"Not for a few hours." She answered.

"Let's get started."

Gina turned around and Hannah and Kelly ducked down to hide.

"Woah, I don't think they can see us" Darbie said and Hannah and Kelly came up slowly.

"This is so cool, and weird... but mostly cool." Hannah laughed.

"Looked at grandma's clothes. She's so cute."

"I can't believe Miss Silvers hasn't updated her kitchen in 50 years." Hannah mumbled

"Are we sure we should do this?" Gina asked

"He stole my morbium seed. Who knows what he'll do with it."

"I agree with Ida. We're the keepers of magic. We have to keep it safe." Rebecca stated.

"Agreed." Gina sighed then they started making it.

"It looks exactly like the apples they sell at the festival." Rebecca said.

"They didn't add anything to the recipe. It was cooked perfectly." Hannah said

"How did it make Chuck disappear into thin air then?" Kelly asked in frustration.

"So what's gonna happen after he eats the apple?" Gina askes

"He'll forget about the magic that you told him about." Ida said bitterly

"But not about us, right?" She asked again 'Oh? Someone had a crush on my love?'I mentaly laughed at all the teasing she going to put Charles through.

"I hope he does forget us."

"Ida!" Rebecca yelled

"What? All I know is that when Chuck's around bad things happen."

"Chuck's not as bad as you both think." Gina defended him.

"Well tell that to my dad who lost his job because of Chuck."

Ida argued.

"Ohh! Drama!" I leaned over a bit closer to them.

"You still don't know that it was Chuck's fault."

'Oh It was definitely Charles' I thought to myself with a smirk.

"Who else could have done it?"

"I don't want us to fight. Please." Rebecca said

"Why were they even friends with them in the first place?" Hannah asked

"And why was she messing with mama P dad?" Barbie added a question.

"He was probably manipulating them. Acting nice and sweet to get the book. He probably didn't get what he wanted so he messed with Mama P's dad as revenge" I answered.

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