Chapter 1

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"Chuck?" Everyone asked in surprised when a boy around the age of 15 dressed like Elvis Presley or something. Then all of a sudden Mrs.Silvers faint.

After 20 seconds of awkward silence she grones and Hannah helps her up.

"Chuck." Granny said, staring at him.

"Is that my name?" He walks closer

"Come sit," I pointed to a chair.

"So you don't remember anything?" Hannah askes


"What?" I asked myself quietly.

"Like I said It's all blank." He says

Kelly sighs "that must be so terrifying."

"Oh, don't listen to him kelly." Granny says calmly to her then turns to Chuck and yells "You tell me what you're up to or I'll send you back."

"Granny!" "Grandma!"

"There's the Becky I remember." Mama P says

"Back? Back from where? I'm sorry ma'am, I think there has been a misunderstanding."

Granny scoffs, "Oh, you know you're not fooling anyone with this amnesia trick."

"What if he really doesn't remember anything Becky?" Mrs.Silvers askes. Then she looks at Chuck as He looks at her up and down with judgemental eyes. "You haven't aged a day. How is that possible?"

"Excuse me but... what?"

"Lapsis, Elysian, Morbium. Do those words mean anything to you?" Mama P asks

"Are those even words? I'm sorry I have no idea what you're saying."

"Then what do you know?" I ask with a gentle tone. Earning a small smile from the boy.

"Honestly, all I remember is getting off a Ferris wheel at the Pluot Festival. I don't know who I am, where I live, and what is a pluot?"

"Where have you been living then?" I ask

"What have you done for money" Mamma P adds

He shrugs "I don't have any scratch. I've been sleeping in the playground at the park every night."

"Oh, that's horrible" Kelly says

"Yeah, we need ro get you some food." Hannah said

"And, no offense, clean clothes. You're a little stinky." Darbie added

"Oh stop it, girls. You can't trust anything he says." Granny exclaimed loudly.

"You can't trust me? Why should I trust you? You know my name but you won't tell me who I am." He looks at Mrs.Silvers "You're looking at me like I'm a lost dog." then at Mama P "And you look like I just ran over your cat" Then at Granny "And you just look like you want to slug me" Making me hold back a snicker.

"It's okay Chuck, we've all had a long day. Can you please just excuse us for a minute?" Kelly askes as everyone walks into the kitchen but not before I give him an apologetic smile.

3'rd POV

"Grandma, you can't keep yelling at him like that."

"Yea granny, that's the most unsuccessful thing if you want some answers when someone is scared or have trust issues. Even though he was really bad in 1965, he doesn't seem to remember any of it now."

"We can't have an amnesiac boy from 1965 running around town." Mama P said with an eyeroll.

"Yeah, Saffron falls most missing person is back?" Hannah says

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