Chapter 27

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December 24th

Today way Christmas Eve, I don't necessarily celebrate Christmas mostly because there's nothing to celebrate. Mr seer would just cook us some mash potatoes and buy Cooked ham, get drunk and leave to go somewhere. We never know where though.

We didn't even have a Christmas tree, stockings, or decorations. The only thing Christmassy about this hell hole was the snow on the roof.

I had gone downstairs after getting ready and gave Kaz a bowl of cereal while Sam had grabbed a danimal "Sam you can't keep having danimalls for breakfast" I sighed while complaining "but there good" he whined "at least have some toast with it" he whined but grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster.

Mr seer had already left for work and would be back at about 8 pm, Bec was with her friends at the mall, the twins were in Ohio with their friends for Christmas. Jack was visiting his last alive family member in India, he did that every year, it was his ill aunt who couldn't take him in cause she was in a clinic for her breast cancer.

Emily and Sadie were having sleepovers for Christmas, so it was just me who was left to watch the younglings. Usually at Christmas time no one was ever at the house everyone was with someone else somewhere else, last year I had gone to Peters for Christmas, the year before I went to Mj's.

We sat down in the living room and I put on some paw patrol for them.

Someone save me from this

Uh oh what happened Y/N

I was left with the younglings and they are watching paw patrol and singing to the theme song


They need to go out of the house for Christmas but ion know anyone who's free this year :/
My friends are busy with their families and ion wanna bother them or be a burden

Mr spy
What if you bring them somewhere fun

Like what? I'm broke

The park ¯\_( ' ﹏ ' )_/¯

Too cold and plus it's snowing


Oh boy
Ice cream it is
If they get hyper I'm blaming this on you bird😤

Fr fr

"You guys want icecream" they smiled and started chanting ice cream. I laughed and went to grab my wallet up stairs. We got our coats on and went to the train. "Don't let go of my hand" I was squeezing their hands cause New York is a dangerous place, luckily I had pepper spray and my safety clip thingy was in my coat pocket.

We got our ice cream and sat down at a table inside. "Thank you Y/N" Sam said happily. Kaz was too focused on eating his ice cream. After ice cream we went to the comic store, "hey Y/N, Kaz, and Sam" Mr Phu the comic store owner said. We were regular visitors, we said Hi back.

they went to read the X-men I sat near them and read some wattpad. Sam was helping Kaz learn to read when ever time we went there. Kaz had dyslexia so he had trouble with reading.

After about an hour they bought about 5 comic books and we walked around New York looking for stuff to do. "Ice skating!!" Sam loved ice skating. He has practically jumping up and down in excitement. I didn't know how to ice skate but I wanted them to have a good Christmas.

"How about we bring this stuff back and then we go ice skating!" We walked back to the group home then took the train to the ice skating ring.

Any one know how to ice skate

Mr spy



I know someone who does

3 someone's

I'm bringing Kaz and Sam to the ice skating ring but I can't skate-

The one near time square?

Ya I think so

Their on the way :)

Who you send?
Please don't let it be a kid

Mr spy
They can do more things then you think

"Need ice skating lessons" I jumped and turned around to punch them as a reflex but his super speed stopped me in time. "Pietro!" I held my chest again, thought it was finna be Loki again. "And Wanda and Steve" Wanda said while walking over to me. "Oh hey Wanda" I gave her a hug in happiness "where's my hug" Pietro whined. Steve smiled at me and k smiled back.

"You don't get one" I playfully rolled my eyes when I said that. "Thank you I can't ice skate and these two were begging" I sighed while I saw Sam struggling to put on his skates.

I laughed and walked over to him to help. Wanda went to go help Kaz, she was such a mom. " Does Kaz k ow how to skate?" Wanda asked "he's not very good at it but sam's an expert" "I call dibs on Sam" Pietro said before taking off his shoes and putting skates on "no!" Wanda yelled at him.

"Last time he went skating with a kid he almost killed himself and 2 others. If your watching the kids your staying with me as well"Pietro rolled his eyes playfully and I laughed. "I'll help Y/N" Steve said while walking over to me.

Me and Steve walked over to the ring, "can this kill you" I was very shaky right now. Steve had to think for a minute "hopefully not" "What!" I yelled, he laughed and went onto the rink. He put his hand out for me and I grabbed it "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die" I kept repeating, he just laughed while helping me keep my balance.

He grabbed onto both of my hands and I was squeezing them very tightly. I was able to get my balance but could not roller skate.

"See! You got ahold of the balance, now you just have to slide forward" Steve said while showing an example. I moved my left foot forward and did it but when I moved my right foot I fell on my back.

Me and Steve laughed our heads off and I could see and hear Kaz laughing. Steve helped me up and guided me a little bit.

After about 10 more minutes I could skate a little, he didn't have to guide me but I still sucked at it. "Woohoo Steve actually taught someone something other than to behave!" Wanda cheered before giving me a high five.

"I'm still better than you Y/N" Sam said while twirling. I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes.

"Me as well" Pietro did a trick on the ice. "One day... just ONE day I'll be able to show off to you that I can do that as well" I said to Pietro.

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