Chapter 25

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December 23rd

I was going to the internship when Pietro came zooming to me when I entered the doors. "Hello Y/N, I heard a few days ago it was your birthday so I got you a cupcake since you don't like your birthday" "Pietro thank you, you didn't have to" I took to cupcake "and it's chocolate" my smile widened and I gave him a hug.

I ate the cupcake, Pietro went into the elevator with me and Peter. "Looks like you got some competition" I whispered to Peter, he rolled his eyes playfully "it's ok I know you like Mj now" he had a crush on me in 7th grade but never said anything but when Mj and Peter became even closer he 'stopped' liking me and is now simping over Mj.

"Do not" he said. "Yes you do Peter everyone knows" I gave him that look "wait what! Everyone?" I laughed and he looked embarrassed. "Who Peter crushing on" Pietro asked "the other girl in our friend group, Mj" "Y/N! It was a secret!" He yelled at me when we got off the elevator "what like how my birthday and my love for pop tarts were a secret?" I slapped his arm a little.

"Pop tarts?" I heard someone yell making me jump a little. "Oh boy Thor heard the word" Mr stark said with a laugh while walking over to us. "Ah you must be Y/N and Peter. Tin cans interns" Thor walked over to us with a smile. We shook his hand.

"Every Friday we're going for pop tarts" he pointed at me "uh... y-yes sir" I was very confused. "Ah and she's even formal!" He yelled and raised his hands.

We did some work with Mr stark for a while, we were upgrading one of his suits. After about 2 hours we went to the common room. "Hey guys" Nat said to the 3 of us. "Finally blow up the lab?" Mr Barton said with a laugh. "Not yet" Mr stark mumbled

I walked over to get some water, Peter went to grab a juice box. When I put my cup away someone talked behind me "you must be Y/N" I screamed, turned around and punched him. "Ouch" he had a British like accent. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry" I held my chest and backed away trying to revive my heart.

"Wait y-your the god of Mischief" he shook his head after laughing. "Wow your amazing" I smiled awkwardly while fangirling "Thank you?" He looked confused "You don't have to be nice all the time Kid" Mr stark walked over to me, put him arms on my shoulders and walked me away.

"What do you mean sir? I do think he is amazing" he rolled his eyes "why though, he tried to take over New York" Steve asked in a serious voice "well the past doesn't define you and his mischievous tricks are funny most of the times"

Loki had a slight smirk on him "are you under mind control?" Mr Barton asked "uh n-no, did I say something wrong I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to please don't Be mad" I was starting to panic a little.

"Kid it's alright we're just messing with you, and it's just that... y'know... he isn't the uhh most likeable person" Mr stark was trying to find the right words. "Oh" I walked away.

I went to sit down next to Mr Barton when I had gotten a text from an unknown ow number.

Y/N go to room farthest on the left, near the bathroom.

What? Who is this?

Just go we got 10 min

Chile- anyways

"I'll be uhh... right back" I stood up awkwardly and Mr Barton looked kinda confused. I sped walk off to the room the person told me to go to. Pietro and Peter were in the room. "Who texted me?" I was confused "that would be me" Pietro raised his hand proud "how the hell did you get my number" I laughed. "Speed" he smirked.

"You scared of vents" Pietro asked before taking off the gate to a vent. "I love vents" he laughed and went into the vent, he offered his hand to me and I took it, Peter went in after me.

In the vents were some prank supplies. "We gotta be quick, Peter your on smoke bomb duty" Pietro handed Peter 2 homemade smoke bombs "Y/N your in charge of setting off the fire alarms, and Glitter" "fire alarms?" I was questioning him "I may have hacked FRI to make the fire alarm only go off on this floor and have coloured dye come out instead of water" we laughed.

"And I'm in charge of flower and locking doors." We crawled to the common room living room and bar where almost everyone was. "Now Peter" Pietro opened the vent gate a lil and Peter through the smoke bombs out. Pietro clicked something on his phone and we heard all the doors lock. "Hey! Who's there!" We heard them all yelling. "Glitter" i threw the glitter bombs out and we heard some surprised yelps.

"Fire alarm" he handed me a lighter and I put it up to a smoke detector. Rainbow coloured liquid came out of the water system. "Dammit!" We heard the team cussing, yelling and trying to open the doors "FRIDAY unlock doors" Mr stark yelled "Denied" I love that AI so much "what do you mean denied!" Nat yelled.

"As in 'no' do you want me to say it in Spanish" "Pietro!" I slapped his arm and laughed. Pietro poured the flour out and threw some confetti with it. We all laughed. "Pietro!!!!" We heard Mr stark yell "and this is when we escape" we all crawled up to the next floor which was Pietro and Wanda's floor.

We got out of the vents dying laughing "their faces and fear" Peter said trying not to fall over "we need to do this more often" my eyes were all watery from laughing too much. "For real" Pietro fell to the floor and so did me and Peter.

"What you guys laughing about?" Wanda asked. Pietro showed the video footage of the prank on the TV, we all laughed again including Wanda. "Did you unlock the doors Pietro?" I gave him that 'uh oh' look "shit" he grabbed his phone, turned off the sprinklers and unlocked the doors and elevator.

We all decided to go back down, Wanda was finna back us up. We stepped out of the elevator to see a very soaked, flower covered, sparkly Avengers. "Pietro!" Nat yelled while running up to Pietro. "Wow what happened here!" Wanda asked while laughing her head off "your brother that's what happened" Mr Barton said while holding onto Nat.

"Hey ion do nothing" Pietro put his head up In defense. "Pietro don't lie!" Steve said. "Hey it wasn't just me ok!" He slowly moved away from me while I gave him the 'your dead' look.

"Wanda, Peter, and Y/N!" Mr stark said. "Actually tony I'm innocent, I was in my room doing homework" she walked away leaving me and Peter guilty. "Peter, Y/N" I finna die.

"Sorry sir" Peter laughed while saying. "Sorry sir" I looked down crossing my fingers and mumbling "Пожалуйста, без подвала» «Пожалуйста, без подвала» "no russian" Peter whispered to me. I put my head back up and Mr stark looked confused and Nat looked like she saw a ghost and was ready to kill some bitches.

"Подвал?» Nat cocked her head concerned. "Me no Russian" I speak walk away while grabbing Peters arm and him being flabbergasted. "Wh- yo- ru- wh-" "you just kidnapped me!" Peter said when we got to the stairs.

I started to hyperventilate and my hands were containing a little electricity. "I can't breath" I kept saying that quickly over and over while my hands were on my head. "Y/N just breath it's ok" he tried to grab my hands but I shocked him. He winced in pain.

Tears started coming down my cheeks and I fell to the floor not being able to breath. He kneeled next to me "Y/N you need to breath or you finna pass out" it took a little while but I was able to control my breathing and the electricity went away.

We went back to the common room, Wanda was fixing the Furniture with her magic and Pietro was mopping and mumbling something. Everyone else must've went to clean up. We had strict orders of helping Pietro and Wanda clean, Mr stark wasn't mad though he found it funny, Steve was the one who gave us the strict orders.

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