Chapter 32: Rabbit and the cheese loving.

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A/N: Look at that buns on that guy.


Comedy Police: This is the comedy police!! The Joke too funny!!



Location: Falmart.

3rd person pov

When the incident happen in the palace about the captive slaves. German, America and Japan sends fighter jets to blow up the palace as a warning for the empire.

Prime minister was heading to Japan, He report back to Japanese government. They were shock to hear the empire had Japanese civilians has slave, Not only Japanese, But Americans and Germans civilians too. As for another report, They were shock to hear that the President of United States from another parallel world was a 9 year old child.

Back with our idiocy characters, Tony takes his sister to the medical bay, She's still traumatize after zorzal has done to her. Tony was so fucking angry at zorzal, He was about to kill him. But the President Y/N order him to stand down, He can ignore the order of him. Still he wants to kill zorzal.


Location: Falmart, German-America occupied base.

Parker was carrying Tyuule (The Warrior Bunny Queen) to his dorm. Tyuule wants to ask parker, But decided to stay silence. When he open door, Tyuule found his dorm fill poster, toys, video games and cheese. Parker place her in her bed. He turn around to leave, But stop and look at her.

Parker: I'm going to check my friends, You change your clothes in the dresser. Also look at my list of things to do.

He left the dorm. Tyuule look at the list what Parker was talking about....

 Tyuule look at the list what Parker was talking about

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Tyuule:......... W-What...... is happening?


Location: Falmart, Alnus hill.

3rd person pov

Tony was walking around the JSDF base, Still in the anger mood. But decided to cool off some steam. When he came to the district. He stop see all the JSDF soldiers in shock, Not only the JSDF, The civilians, USK and Germans had the same reaction. Tony turn around and see was unexpected, His eyes was wide open and jaw dropped to see-

Tuka: Come on daddy.

Itami: Of course.

Tony: WHAT...... THE...... FUCK!!!!????

Back with the Lisa, Jessie and Kuribayashi.

The girls were drinking, Until.

Kuribayashi: Hey, If you girls heard that tuka thinks itami was his dad?

Jessie see itami with tuka.

Jessie: You jinx it. 😑

To be continue


A/N: I decided to skip the scene in the episodes. Don't worry, Flame dragon and zorzal coup will been there. In the third season, USKA and his allies will be in the future chapter.

 In the third season, USKA and his allies will be in the future chapter

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