Chapter 10: Italican pt.3

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Countryball meme

German Empire: Oh your approaching me, Instant of runaway, Your coming back to me.

Nazi Germany: I can't beat the shit out of you.

German Empire: My, My, Than come has closer you like.


Location: Falmart, Italican
3rd person pov

The north has been breach, Many soldiers died in the gate. In the south gate, Everyone was watching, While rory doing her.... sex dance?

Rory; AA...UU.. AHH!!

Tony: What the? What's wrong with her?

Rory: They come here...? Ohh... Dont...

Lisa: Uhh, Ok, What the hell happen to her?

Jessia: Rory? Are you ok? Can I help her?

Lelei and pina shake their heads has a no.

Itami: Why can't we go her?

Lelei: Because she is an apostle.

Tony: Hah? Apostle?

Lelei: She would impulsively slaughter those who regarded as the enemy no other possibility. No one... Not even herself would be able to stop it.

Everyone in the defences where shock, Even the US soldiers were shock, They remember that the President never have the apostle, He lived over a hundred years and never age since his child size.

Tony: o_o Oh dear lord!

Rory: I am going crazy?!...Noo!!

Jessia put her hand on rory shoulder to calm down.

Jessie: Mrs Rory, Please calm down, I can hel-

She couldn't say a word when rory jump out of the wall and run towards the battlefield.

Tony: ._.

Lisa: What the hell?!

Itami: Quickly! Go after her!

Tony ran towards the humvee, Along with Jessie, Lisa and Korone.

Meanwhile in dillmam

Location: Falmart, Dillman hill

In the base of operations, Generel Jackson was in charge of the base. The door opens to reveal a US soldier.

US soldier: Sir! We got a report from italican that the recon team went.

Jackson: Send helicopters for support, Also send mechs too.

US soldier: Yes sir!

Meanwhile back to our main characters

JSDF (Itami, Kuribayashi and tomita) and US (Tony, Jessie, Lisa and Korone) were racing towards the battlefield. After a few minutes of driving, They arrived at the north gate.

Tony: Finally! I can now used my-

Lisa: Shut up and let's go!!

Kuribayashi, Lisa, Jessie and Korone charges towards the group of bandits!


Tomita: That trigger happy idiot!

Itami: Out of the way!

Tony: *snap* Shit right!

Tony, Itami and tomita covered the girls by shooting any banfits in the way. Itami saw lisa MacArthur hitting the bandits with her..... katana?

Itami: What the? How did she get-

Tony: Flamebot! Deployed!

Tony trunk opens, Reveal to be a robot with wheels in it, Like this....

Tony trunk opens, Reveal to be a robot with wheels in it, Like this

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Itami: What the hell is that?!

Tony: You see. *Turn to flamebot* Flamebot! Cover our friends!

Flamebot: [Yes master]

Flamebot went to the group of bandits, The bandits saw flamebot standing in front of them.

Bandit 1: Ha! What is this? A weird pathetic creatures?

Bandit 2: Let's kill it!

All of them charge towards the flamebot, Little did they know that flamebot was actually a robotic flamethrower. It fires flames of fire towards the bandits, The flames catch them on fire killing them. JSDF, Bandits and the civilians watched in total shock, horrified and even scared of the robot. Pina couldn't believe her eyes seeing a metal creature with wheels.

???: [Radio] Lieutenant tony! Are you there?

Tony pick up the radio.

Tony: Yes that's me!

US pilot: [Radio] I heard about you need help!

Tony: Yep!

US pilot: [Radio] Back up arrived in second, Just a bit longer.

Tony: Sure *Turn to Itami* Back up coming.

Itami: My too.

Meanwhile with the girls

The girls quickly help rory with the bandits that try kill her, Lisa used her assault rifle to kill the bandits that try to stab her, she switches her assault rifle with a sword, Jessie helps kuribayashi by shooting the bandits that try to kill her.

Kuribayashi: Thanks!

Jessie: Ja ^_^

Meanwhile in the sky

Helicopters like German, Russian, American and Japanese where heading to italican to insist the recon for the bandits.

(A/N: I'm ending here for now, I have a headache, Also, I will put mechs in this)

To be continue

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