Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Merlin enters the chamber he and Gaius share in a daze, mind still reeling from the feel of Morgana's soft lips on his. His heart is still trying to pound its way out of his chest, so Merlin takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself. "Merlin?" Gaius exits Merlin's room, carrying Merlin's dirty laundry in his arms.

"Hi, Gaius." Merlin says airily, his eyes glazed over as he leans against the wooden door.

"Are you alright?" Gaius' comment snaps him out of his reverie. Merlin shakes his head before shifting his gaze to his mentor.

"Yes, I'm fine!" Merlin shouts, his words rushed, startling Gaius. Merlin isn't exactly sure what else to say. Gaius probably won't take well to the abrupt approach, so yelling "Morgana snogged me outside of Arthur's chambers" would probably not go over well. 'He'll just say the same thing I've been thinking: That it's impossible. And right now, I don't want to hear it.' Merlin decides to forgo Morgana's presence when recalling tonight's events.. 'It really is the best decision for every party involved. Gaius doesn't have to be upset, and I don't have to face The Eyebrow. It's a win, win situation.' "But, you won't believe the conversation I just had with Arthur."

The rest of the night flies by as Merlin tells Gaius what Arthur had spoken to him about. When Merlin finishes, he looks to Gaius for his reaction, the older man having not spoken throughout the entire story.

"You're extraordinary, Merlin. Arthur never would have come to this conclusion without you." Gaius pulls Merlin into a hug, patting the young man's back affectionately. "You should go to bed now; It's been a long day."

"You're right. Thank you, Gaius. Goodnight." Merlin makes his way toward his bedroom, closing the door and falling onto his bed in exhaustion, welcoming a brief respite from the madness of the day.


Merlin wakes up to the sound of screaming. Okay, maybe not, but you have to admit that birds and mornings do not go together. After an intense battle with his covers - Merlin will not admit to losing said battle - that ends with Merlin sprawled on the floor with the blankets wrapped around his legs, he disentangles himself and looks down, taking in his rumpled clothing. He huffs and pulls out something to wear, changing and putting his boots on. He checks underneath the floorboards for his spellbook, as he does every morning, to ensure that it is still concealed in its hiding spot. When he is satisfied that it has not been moved or tampered with, he exits his room, seeing Gaius still asleep on his cot.

Merlin attempts to make a quiet exit but, in true Merlin fashion, he ends up tripping over the workbench, sending a glass vial flying. His eyes flash gold and the vial stops just short of the floor, now hovering in the air. Merlin looks over at Gaius' still sleeping form, thanking whatever gods may be that the older man didn't wake at the commotion. Merlin maneuvers the vial back onto the table with his magic, setting it down gently. Merlin lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and picks himself up off the floor, finally making his way out of the room and up the stairs leading to one of the castle's many corridors.

Merlin hurries his way through the castle, weaving through the bustling traffic expertly. He reaches the kitchens, intent on picking up breakfast for Arthur and maybe nabbing something for himself while he's there. The prince's plate is already made and is sitting next to a pile of sweet rolls. Merlin stops, looking around to see if anyone is watching, before grabbing a roll and stuffing it in his pocket. He looks around once more, finding no eyes on him, and proceeds to pick up Arthur's breakfast and hurry out of the kitchens.

Merlin reaches Arthur's chambers without incident. Which is surprising based on Merlin's current track record. He opens the door and walks into the room, finding his friend still asleep. He sets the plate down and makes his way over to the large drapes on the left side of the room, flinging them open with a jovial, "Good morning, sunshine!" He hears Arthur groan and then a light shuffling before something crashes into the back of his head. He turns around to see one of Arthur's pillows lying at his feet. 'At least it wasn't a goblet this time.' Merlin muses as he picks up the offending item and places it on the edge of the bed. He sighs; Arthur still isn't awake.

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