Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin.

Chapter 1

Merlin feels his magic dance around him, singing beneath his skin as he looks up to face Morgana. "I'm like you," He whispers, his golden eyes trained on the woman standing before him. He awaits her response. Each second that passes sends a wave of panic shooting through his body.

"H-how long?" Morgana stutters, attempting to piece things together and come to terms with what Merlin has just revealed to her.

"Since I was born; I was using magic before I could crawl." Merlin finally looks away, staring down at the floor as he fidgets with his hands.

"But that's impossible." After saying this Morgana gives a definitive nod, unwilling to believe the truth.

"It really isn't," Merlin pauses, "Morgana, I'm telling you this because I want you to know that you're not alone. I can help you if you let me. I trust you to keep my secret, just as you have entrusted me with yours."

Morgana sees the earnesty in his golden eyes and pleading features. A lump forms in her throat as her eyes fill with tears at Merlin's gesture. He is risking everything he has built here in Camelot to help her. She won't be alone anymore; She won't be afraid. "Your secret is safe with me, Merlin. Did you ever really doubt that?" Morgana smiles at the servant before continuing, "And I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me. This is all so new and there are so many things about my magic that I don't understand."

The gold fades from Merlin's eyes, slowly transitioning to their usual crystal blue color. Morgana's reaction is unexpected and it throws Merlin off guard. He had predicted enraged shouting and magical outbursts from the young witch, not the calm acceptance he has just received. "You... You aren't angry with me?"

"No, Merlin. I understand why you didn't tell me. What matters is that you told me now." Morgana comes to stand in front of Merlin, taking his hand and stilling his nervous movement. "You have been a great friend to me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

The tension in the room rises suddenly, making their skin buzz and hum. Somehow, the two have drawn closer, although neither of them remembers doing so. They lock eyes, each finding themselves lost in the other's gaze, moving ever closer. Suddenly, Merlin's world snaps back into focus, causing him to stumble backward at the realization of what was about to happen. He shakes his head harshly, attempting to rid himself of these unrealistic thoughts. 'This can't happen. She's Uther's ward, and I'm just a servant. It would never be accepted, even if she did reciprocate my feelings.'

"I-I'm sorry, my lady." Merlin stumbles over his words, his eyes wide and his face quickly turning a dark shade of red. "I have to go. Arthur needs me. Let me know when and if you would like to meet." He bows before exiting the room, Morgana calling after him, confused as to why he's left so abruptly. Merlin ignores Morgana, rushing around the corner and disappearing from Morgana's sight. She sighs and reluctantly closes her door once Merlin fades from view. She flings herself onto her bed, mulling over her feelings, and wondering if maybe, just maybe, Merlin feels the same.


Merlin slams the door open, storming his way into the physician's chambers and effectively startling Gaius, earning a glare from the elderly man. "Sorry, Gaius." Merlin placates his mentor, who simply nods in response. "What are you doing?"

Gaius is seated at his workbench, brewing some sort of mixture. He picks up a glass vial filled with a bright blue liquid and pours it into another vial containing a viscous grey concoction. When he swirls the container, the combined mixtures create a dark red liquid. Once he finishes this process he turns to Merlin, finally addressing his question. "Sir Balin's joints are giving him grief again and the potions I used to give him for pain aren't working anymore. I had to improvise, so I made this."

"What is it?" Merlin takes the vial from Gaius' hands and holds it up to the light, examining it as it glitters slightly in the sun.

"It's a mixture of radish, bishopwort, garlic, wormwood, helenium, cropleek, and hollowleek. There are a few more components, but I don't want to bore you with the finer details." Gaius takes the vial back from Merlin and places it in a small drawstring bag. "I'm going to need you to take this to Sir Balin when you get a chance, Merlin."

"Yeah, sure." Merlin halts his speech, debating whether he should tell Gaius about what happened with Morgana.

Gaius notices Merlin's discomfort and turns to question him. "Are you alright, my boy?"

Merlin says nothing for a moment before speaking hurriedly. "I told Morgana about my magic." His words are jumbled and barely coherent, but Gaius knows Merlin well and is, therefore, able to decipher his words.

Gaius blanches, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. After a moment, he sighs, opening his eyes to look at Merlin, giving him The Eyebrow in response.

"Gaius, I had to. She needs help, and I'm the only one who can give that to her here. I don't want her to be alone; I don't want her to have to go through everything that I did. If there is any chance that I can change her destiny and alter her fate, then I will walk to the ends of the Earth to do so." Merlin ends his speech with his gaze fixed on the elder, almost daring him to question his reasoning.

"You're right. You're an idiot, but you're right." Gaius stands and puts a hand on Merlin's shoulder, comforting him. Merlin merely nods, thankful for Gaius' calm head.

"I'm going to bring Sir Balin his medicine and then check on Arthur. Thank you."

"Of course, my boy. Now, go on." Gaius shoos Merlin through the door after handing him the drawstring bag. 'This boy is going to be the death of me.' Gaius thinks fondly, smiling softly and closing the door after Merlin disappears from sight, ruminating on the young boy that has so easily wormed his way into his heart and changed his life for the better.

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