Chapter 6, Frigga's Well.

Start from the beginning

"I look ridiculous," Thor thundered as more tiny lightning bolts formed around his hand.

"Don't be mean to them, they are just trying to make you feel welcome," I pointed out. It was true, they were absolutely delighted to be visited by Frigga's sons.

Thor just scowled.

"They are your mother's creatures, think about what she would say if she saw you zap them!" I said as inspiration struck. It seemed to work because Thor slowly lowered his hand.

"The next one to touch my beard will get a swat with Mjolnir," he threatened as he stomped along. Together we followed the music of Loki's flute, which we could hear in the distance ahead of us.

A small brook babbled along beside us, there were flowers everywhere and the animals of the forest played and frolicked around us. The fairies played and chattered and danced in the air. There was such a strong sense of peace, love and happiness that it was impossible not to get swept up by it.

Loki was laying down against a tree by a small pond, the water babbling up from the well into it and feeding the brook we had just followed. He was still playing his flute, fairies dancing in the air and joining him with instruments of their own.

"There you are," he smiled as he stopped playing and patted the ground beside him. I smiled back and sat down next to him on a carpet of flowers. Fairies immediately began to unbraid my hair and rebraid it again.

"This place is amazing," I smiled.

"I truly believed it to be gone, without mother's care," Loki admitted. "I can't believe it is still here, the fairies maintained it all the time!"

"The little shits stole my phone!" Thor bellowed as he ran after a flock of fairies into the forest. I got up to chase after him but Loki pulled me back down again.

"No harm will come to him here, let him wear himself out a bit. These are our mother's chosen ones and they love him as much as if he was their own child."

I sat back down again. The fairies brought us a goblet each they had filled with water from the well. I looked at Loki before drinking from it.

"It's perfectly safe," he reassured me as he took a sip of his own. The water was cool and tasted fresh and sweet.

The fairies tittered to each other in a small huddle, and then finally the bravest one flew over to Loki.

"Who's the pretty lady?" They asked curiously.

"My wife, princess Sorcha," Loki smiled.

"Princess ?" I asked.

"To them, your title of princess by marriage to a prince of Asgard takes precedence over your title as Queen of Jotunnheim," Loki explained.

I was sure there was logic to it but I decided not to ask any further. All those titles I had suddenly come to bear made my head hurt at times.

For a while we sat by the water, watching the fairies frolic as Loki played his flute. Frigga's Well was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen, and once again it struck me how truly blessed I was the day I got my Bee. Without it I would never even have known places like this existed, nor would I have met the amazing god by my side.

I looked at Loki. Playing his flute with the braids and flowers in his hair he looked every inch the pagan god of Mischief he was. He smiled as I moved a bit closer and kissed him.

"What did I do to deserve that?" he asked curiously.

"Just you being yourself, perfect in every way," I kissed him again. Forgetting we weren't alone, we kissed and cuddled until the fairies started pestering us and Loki started to play his flute again. I lay down with my head in his lap and listened, while the fairies danced around us.

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