Worse of the things she said currently made his head spin.

He wasn't even able to grasp nor understand nearly half of it, and then she had started crying.

Damien rarely felt pity, but like always right from time Madison always made his heart soft and mushy. The sound of her sobbing bitterly over the phone had made his heart clench, and it hurt so badly. She sounded so... helpless, so lost and angry too.

Okay, he understood why she would be angry, since their earlier meetings had been anything but good, but then she had been so... hostile.

She didn't even want to listen to him or hear him say anything, and Damien wasn't sure how to feel about it. He felt saddened, angry, speechless, and also hurt as well.

He wanted to scream at her... call her out for acting like she hadn't also hurt him too. He felt bad, sorry for the way he had treated her when she was in New York, but at the same time he had gotten a pound of his flesh.

In as much as he knew he couldn't blame her, well their feelings were all over the place and both of them had a lot to settle as it stood.

Her sobs broke his heart, shattering him into pieces and his whole body quaked heavily.

Shakily, he raked his fingers through his hair, his eyes roaming back to Alvarez who was still on the phone to Madison.

He could tell that Alvarez had first tried to calm her, and it seemed to have worked because now they were talking freely and Alvarez was also smiling.

Seconds passed, minutes too and still they were on the phone.

Out of nowhere Damien started to feel a pang of jealousy pinch at his heart as he watched them speak. The way Alvarez was talking, was the exact opposite of his demeanor when he had been on the phone with Madison, and it was evident that his best friend was the only one who could calm her down.

His mind racing, he angrily tore his gaze from Alvarez. Why should he even care anyway? Whatever they were discussing was none of his business after all.

Facing his drink once more, he ordered more bottles, downing more shots as he tried to drown the sound of Alvarez's voice as he spoke to Madison.

He really didn't care... he shouldn't, so it shouldn't bother him.

His fingers clenched into fists, he continued to swallow more and more shots, and as usual his mind kept going back to his conversation with Madison.

The most baffling thing she had said to him, was the talk about letters of some sort. He didn't understand what she meant, and why she had gotten so angry when he told her that he had no idea what she was talking about.

He began to think about it. Had he received any letters and not known? Damien shook his head. He was certain he had not received any mail in the last few weeks, but apparently, she seemed to think otherwise.

Flinging those thoughts away from his mind, Damien concentrated instead on the drink in front of him. He stopped a bit when he began to feel woozy, as the only thing that was making him go easy on the alcohol tonight was the memory of his last hangover.

As he gripped the glass in his hand, he felt a tap on his shoulder, and looking up to see Alvarez, he instantly stiffened.

"Are you good, man?" Alvarez asked, looking curiously at him.

"Yes. Yes, I am okay." Damien replied simply, and taking out his phone to distract himself, he began to scroll through.

"Are you sure? You seemed pretty upset when you gave me the phone, and so did Madison. I'm surprised that you guys even spoke. What did you talk about? I'm curious."

Damien shut his eyes trying to calm himself.

The last thing he wanted to even do was talk about her, and he said the exact same thing to Alvarez.

"I don't want to talk about that right now, and even if we did talk, I don't see how it's any of your business."

"Woah..." Alvarez raised his hands in surrender, his brows quirking, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. I'll stop asking."

Damien changed his mind about not drinking, motioning to the bartender to bring in more. He needed to do something... anything that would take his mind off the conversation with Madison, and alcohol seemed to be his only close bet now.

"Would you like to know what we talked about, Madison and I?" Alvarez asked after they both drank in silence for a while, and the second he heard that question Damien stiffened.

It seemed tempting, as he desperately wanted to know what she had told Alvarez and why she was calling at this time, but then he knew that knowing would not help or change anything so he shook his head, "No, I'm good. The last person I want to talk about is her."

Alvarez nodded thoughtfully, raising his glass to his lips, "As you wish then, I won't budge you to much. Sorry if it seemed like I was pushing or something. I understand, and I respect your wishes."

Desperate to change the conversation, Damien turned to his friend, and asked with a smirk, "I think we should really stop drinking. What would your wife say?"

Alvarez responded by bursting into laughter. "Says the man that has literally been chugging it down the whole time. You bet drinking will make her talk. I can control myself, let's just have a lot more fun and talk more."

"At your command sir." Damien said wistfully, and the both of them burst into fits of laughter.

After they had talked for a while, they both checked the time noticing it was to late and then they decided it was time to leave.

Chugging down their last shots, they both paid their bills, and strolled out of the bar into the night.


Thanks for reading. 💕

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