Back ground shit

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So this story was kinda out of spite ngl so it might be bad and i might get everything all done and completed then post this but i have no fucking clue what im doing so onto the better descriptions and shit also * THIS KINDA GETS LIKE MORBID AS HELL SO BEWARE*

Background details
Y/n was a very small kid maby 5 or 6 when it happened. She was walking home from a friends house with her sister. It was already night time and they lived in a sketchy neighborhood, it wasnt from the demons, although that did happen every now and then but it was just filled with crime. So they had to be fast and careful when walking at night. The two where already learning some basic fighing things to help them if they get into trouble.

They where a house down when they heard screams, it came from their house, the two little girls immediately ran into the house to help But where faced with a horrific sight. Their mothers arm had been ripped clean off and there was blood oozeing out of it, there was blood every where, their father was laying up against the wall as if he had been thrown makeing a dent into the wall with a red substance behind his head, and their older brother was laying there unconscious in a pool of his own blood, that was slowly expanding. Each of their blood a different shade from one another .

The one who caused this, standing in the middle of this chaos was a tall( compaired to them but like 5 feet ) green three eyed monster with sharp nails dripping blood, he was cackling like some sort of hyena . He then looked at the two girls once he relised they where in the room. He turned around and stared at his next victims to torture with blood all over him, although it wasnt his.
Y/n's sister mikasa tried running for it while the little y/n was backed into a corner, he completely ignored you and bolted towards the terrified little girl running for her life. She maneged to get out of the house but slipt in the rain. He picked her up by her hair and threw her into the wall she lander right next to their dad and couldnt move her legs from all the stuff on top of them from the wall and ruble. He made his way into the house makeing a new entrance ( like doors work just fine but like fuck those i guess. )

He was still cackling he then eyed y/n. She was Mortified from the sight of all of this tho she was completely paralyzed during this. He tried to grab her but she maneged to duck and kick his knee hard enough to knock him back a bit but then she tried to maneuver around him but he grabed her by the throat and slowly started to tighten his grib. She maneged to claw and bite him hard enough to draw blood and he had to let go to focus on healing it but when she was lose enough to pull her legs up and push his hand off. She tried to run to mikasa to get her out but befor she could he kicked her to the wall( heh ive drop kicked children befor its fun) it wasnt hard enough to breack through but to leave a little y/n sized dent.

After she kept getting up after all the kicks and throwing then he got bored and started to leave. He was only there to torture some one any ways, he didnt need to eat he was already full. But then he turned around and picked her up by the throat again and he started to squeeze one of her eyes so much it poped out. You could hear her screams for a good few blocks. And then he started on the other one. After he did that he put them in his pocket and started to crush her head til her squirming little bloody body stoped. He thought she died and threw her through the wall. Mikasa had to watch all this until he kicked her head,causeing her to go unconscious .

After the people that lived near her and her family knew it was safe to go over there, some of them ventured over to see what happened. The first thing they saw was the house all Broken and the many holes in the walls. Then they saw her. They saw her crumpled up, bloody broken little body. She had tears mixed with blood streaming down her face and all her broken bones. Some of them left to get her and make sure shes alive. When they did the rushed her to the hospital. Then there where about five who went insids looking for the rest of the family, they found them, they found them and their destroyed living room with blood every where. They saw their mom and her missing arm passed out from blood loss, there brother with a gaping gash on his back still oozing lots of blood, their unconscious father leaned against the wall with a dent behind it with blood dripping down his head and the wall behing him, and then they saw mikasa covered im the remains of the wall that landed on her and her head bloody from that last blow. quickly after the neighbor's that went in recovered from the shock and fear of this gruesome sight, they started to pick them up and carefully take them to the doctor. One by one a bloody, injured, beat up body was brought in to the rooms. Each in a different need of help and all needed the same amount of attention .

Your pov
After that and all of you woke up and started your healing process, you all had things that remined you or rather they where taken in a way. Your mother had to live without a arm. An awful thing to lose seeing as you cant replace if. Your father had memory loss ( heh same bestie) and couldnt remmeber a thing from that night and he had trouble doing simple tasks just because he forgot how to do them or he did forget to do them at all. Your older brother(man dont got no name cause he not in it as much) had back problems(lmao same got that scoliosis ) like he couldnt walk on his own, he couldnt lift anything over ten pounds without his back being nah fuck you i dont like that(caves in) so yeah.

Your sister(also 6 at the time k forgot to put that in) was paralyzed crom the waist down. now she could move her legs, kinda, but they're now not stong enough to hold up any weight on its own, and because of that she had to completely relearn how to walk, and had to watch how much pressure she puts on her legs so they do like the brothers back and take a leave from under her even now she walks with a limp but it's not as bad. now its you, a eyeless five year old.

You had to learn brail(idfk if they had it back then but who cares its a fanfic) and you had to enhance you hearing, sence of smell, just every thing in general to help you since you had no eyes. You and your family soon found another village to move to since you all didnt want to live in that same space. The demon still roamed there after all so it could happen again. Over the years you had to learn how to fight without being able to see. It was difficult but by the time you where 18 you could fight very well. The village you moved to was rather big and busy all the time.

So if you needed to leave for any reason some one would have to be with you to make sure you didnt get hurt. You didnt like leaving to much since it was always loud and now your hearing was extreamly strong so you herd every thing. The yelling, the chattering, the fights(those happened alot), and just everything that went on. It hurt your ears alot so you couldnt be out too much. And you wore a peice of cloth (like a bandana) around your eyes. Well the area they should be. Ut freaked people iut to see empty sockets like that so you just covered it up.

Yall im sorry but god damn i didnt mean to make it that morbid i was cought in the moment of it, sorry

Also i forgot to to put them speaking like in my mind i was like ok so this bitch sayin that and the other bitch gonna say this but i didnt write it in this
It was mainly the demon makeing jokes about all the stuff he was doing, screaming, and his laughing but there wasnt to much talking but there was "and befor i forget" was befor the demon wnet back over to you and took you eyes then left.

Also im sorry if the random coments r annoying i like to make stupid little jokes with these is all. Buh byeeee

1567 words

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