May 2010, she was chasing him down like always, until she found a secret lab, she was horrified when she found them, documents of cloning research preformed on a group of high schoolers.

All of them almost negative of the testing, until 5 kids were positive in the testing process.

Y/n looked up to see body bags, she put on some medical gloves and a masks and opened one up, the cut up pieces of the negative testing subjects.

When her friends arrived they saw the horrible scene and Y/n throwing up violently when they discovered what was inside of their organs.

The positive subjects? They were gone, never to be seen again, one of Y/n's biggest fears, having the guilt of those testing subjects and what hell they been through and how much she failed them.

How she failed everyone for not trying harder...

Mirio now held her and Eri tightly as she started to have a panic attack in her sleep, terrifying Eri.... That is until.........

Out of the shadows Scarlett and Atlas quickly grabbed her and disappeared without anybody noticing their presence, although Overhaul was raging hard after not finding Y/n in his sights anymore.

Eri was crying when she didn't see Y/n and Mirio was afraid that Y/n fell from the chaos from overhaul.


"Oh Y/n, she is still remembering her failures, it wasn't her fault...." Said Isla as she looked away as Y/n's panic attack passed.

Lydia threw away the cigarette now chewing some gum as she somberly looked at Y/n with an emotionless and guilty face in her bored stare. Her hand holding her face.

"We save her for now, but what are we going to do when the heroes find out about her sudden disappearance?" Asked Scarlett.

"Especially with Sir Nighteye....... We mustn't make any moves for now, and do not do anything that will make the hero society know about us, tell the others to get in now." Said Rian.

"And Atlas, make sure Y/n is dropped off at the Chisaki home soon so the heroes can find her." Said Rian.


Y/n woke up in the yard, she couldn't feel her legs, or arms, but she suddenly remembered Sir Nighteye's death, and hurried to the hospital using her quirk to carry her weak body.

When she arrived he was breathing and she quickly rushed inside, and touched his chest with her hand, her cracks appearing all over, overwhelming her since she was running on low stamina.

She weakling pulled out every wire while her quirk was replacing his organs, but she began to bleed from her cracks, she felt more tired.

"L-l/n, s-stop........." Said Nighteye as he felt better. Y/n shook her head.

"I am not going to let anyone die, no....... I'd rather lose my sanity." Said Y/n as she saw his blood and muscles starting to cover his organs and skin starting to grow.

Y/n didn't notice her legs bleeding out, her skin starting to burn away, she winced as she silently cursed.

Y/n let go before collapsing to her knees, silently repeating curse words while her legs and wrists started to bleed.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck........" whispered Y/n as she heard the door opening and people rushing inside and saw her and a healthy Nighteye.

A couple of hours later she had surgery and also some rest and food given by IV feeding tubes, she was currently healing.

Y/n looked up at the ceiling, remembering Shigiraki currently destroying overhaul's arms, what a bitch, but also fuck overhaul for taking her virginity, Y/n cringed when she remembered that she hasn't had any sexual contact before.

Why is she even concerned about sex? Maybe the feeling of having his child? Nah couldn't be besides no baby could survive her womb because she has been punched in the stomach multiple times, sustained multiple injuries, even overusing her quirk-

"Y/n! You are alright!" Said Midoriya as he hugged her tightly causing her to wince.

"OW!- Not too tightly! I'm still healing." Said Y/n as Midoriya quickly apologized and let go.

"Oh my goooood, why the fuck does my legs burn like shit???" Said Y/n looking at her bandaged legs.

Midoriya was around her and Y/n got to touch his fluffy locks, she felt blessed. Then recovery girl and Aizawa went into the room, with Aizawa's noticeable annoyance at Midoriya.

"Y/n! You know how reckless you have been! Even overusing your quirk to the point of exhaustion!" Scolded Recovery Girl, while Y/n was receiving it like a teenager.

Recovery girl sighed, and Aizawa went on to report Nighteye was in perfectly good condition but needed to rest for a while, Y/n sighed in relief.

"But now you're the one in need of medical care, Y/n you need to be in a wheelchair for a while for your legs to restore your skin. For now try to relax and refrain from doing any hero work." Said Recovery girl.

"Fine...." Said Y/n.


Y/n was now awaiting Eri's arrival and after a few days she was healed enough to get into crutches and was now enduring Nezu's nagging to be careful.

But soon enough she will finally meet up with them even if she doesn't know it.......

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