4: Go Away! (EDITED)

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I'm all alone

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I'm all alone. I don't have my mom, my dad, my sister, or my pack. It's been almost two weeks since I've seen my family and I miss them to death. I dream about when I was young and me and my sister played with our barbie dolls together. I dream about the days when I was being trained by mom to be the next leader of the pack. I miss my mom's voice. I miss my goofy dad. My time stuck in this pack has been nothing but traumatizing and the urges to see my mate, despite all of that, are getting a bit out of control. I don't want to see him, the mate bond's strong enough and if he comes close to me I know I'll lose my damn mind again.

Gregg and Jake might've gone a little bit overboard on trying to keep me comfortable. I have a fridge and a stove inside of my room, along with a microwave and paper plates. I have my own bathroom inside of my bedroom and literally anything that I need is inside of this bedroom. I'm definitely in a comfortable prison cell but the wolf in me reminds me daily that I'm trapped in her, that this is a prison. No matter how comfortable I am or how well I'm being treated, I'm a hostage of war. 

I haven't tried to leave this room out of fear that I would bump into Adonis. It's wrong of me to stay in this room. I need to try to find my family and I need to find a way to escape. Not only am I being a coward, I'm also losing all sense of rationality. I've begun feeling that I'll be safe so long as I stay in this room. Obviously, that isn't the case. Adonis can open this door whenever he pleases. I have a feeling he won't kill me. It seems like he's planning on adding me to his pack, especially since Gregg and Jake have been calling calling me their luna. Plus, if I stay in here, no matter if I eat properly or not, I could die. With werewolves, it can be dangerous to hold back from shifting and taking your wolf for a run, it could kill them. The wolf inside of a werewolf is a second body that has needs to eat, run, and socialize. A werewolf should shift at least twice a day to keep from weakening their wolf. I've been shifting, I was even given food for my wolf but I haven't been exercising since the room isn't big enough for that.

I've been getting twitchy, depressed, and frustrated at the same time. I know that I don't technically have to stay in here. In fact, the twins keep trying to convince me to leave. It's just that, I don't want to feel those horrifying sparks and chemistry.. it feels like a betrayal to my parents and my pack. Those feelings of lust wrapping around my throat and choking me like a noose and leaves me gasping for air, scare me in ways I can't understand. I sit down on the bed in the middle of the room, grasping onto my shirt, and I decide that enough is enough. If I just stay here and rot, that would be an even bigger betrayal to my family. I can try to save them from him if I can just figure out where the are. I can't smell or hear them anywhere so it's possible he's using a tool made by a witch so that werewolves, vampires, or other supernatural creatures won't be able to find them. He's the biggest pack in the world so I wouldn't be surprised if he had those connections.

Sometimes, I smell Adonis walking down my hallway and I never know how to react. I always end up staring at my door and freezing. His scent hypnotizes me, for those few instances I feel like I'm floating on air. Then when the scent disappears, I realize what my body has done and all the shame I felt can't be described in words. I feel like a horrible person. 

Adonis has been trying to lure me out of my bedroom ever since I first came in. He bought me a very expensive looking cellphone with the twins and his numbers on it. It's a new version of the iphone that my family just couldn't afford to buy me, and he gave it to me for free. I remember when he gave it to me, he knocked on my door and when I opened it, I found a wrapped present at my door. That wasn't the only thing he bought me though. The past two weeks he bought me necklaces, bracelets, and books.

However, I refuse to forget what he's done to me and my family. I love my family too much to let a few gifts and letters dissolve my firm decision to avoid this man like the damn plague. He deserves to be hated by me. I need to do the right thing by family and pretend like I don't feel this bond at all. 

I sigh quietly to myself, it's time to get out of this room. I need to stop delaying the inevitable and get out of here, at this point, it's non-negotiable. Gregg and Jake are standing outside my room. I didn't think they were standing there still, I'm puzzled. They're so different from when I first saw them. They still look intimidating, but they seem so proud to be watching over me. It's so odd. I thought that they hated me.

"Good morning, Luna." They say simultaneously, for a second I see them glance at one another with raised eyebrows. I smile sadly, they seem to be very in sync with one another. Sage and I weren't really like that but we understood each other very well too. Seeing these two like this makes me remember my family even more. 

"Good morning," I mutter. "I need to go on a run."

"You were locked in that room for about two weeks, Luna. I'm assuming your wolf is a bit more than just antsy." One of the twins says, I'm really not sure which one. The only real differences between the two is that one is definitely more buff than the other. I can't really tell their faces apart. 

"Thanks, Jake?" I question, with a laugh. "I'm really not sure which twin you are yet."

The muscular twin laughs and the skinnier one smiles a bit. I smile sheepishly at them both as they walk me down the staircase.

"I'm Jake," The more muscular twin says and then he points to Gregg. "That would be my less awesome twin brother, Gregg." Jake is actually a pretty funny guy while, Gregg, is more reserved and quiet. As I talk to them, I begin to notice subtle differences in their appearance and I start feeling more confident about who is who. I don't think I'll mix them up again.

We stop at the entrance door and Gregg's eyes fog over. Wow, does that mean that they have a pack link?! It's very for pack's these days to have them. I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering just how long this pack has been around for and how powerful they are but... usually pack links only exist with werewolves with pure bred alpha wolves. Pure bred alpha wolves are very rare nowadays. I should've known that Adonis was one, he definitely has that presence. We just stand there for a little bit and wait for Gregg to finish speaking to Adonis in the pack link. My fingers start to twitch at my sides, and a bunch of doubts starts forming in my head. Is Adonis telling him not to take me outside? Until Gregg soothes my nerves and escorts me out of the pack house. We walk into the woods and I walk behind a tree, so Gregg and Jake can't see me, slip out of my clothes and shift into my wolf.

Ahhhh, finally I feel a bit of freedom.

Ahhhh, finally I feel a bit of freedom

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