- Chapter 2: The Cullen's -

Start from the beginning

"Your right i didn't want to apologise because we already have one girl pushing her way into my family and i don't want you to push your titled ass into out family" Rosalie said rolling her eyes and her disrespect is making my wait to blast her with snow right now

"I am so sorry for all of this i truly hoped Rosalie would truthfully apologise but clear our daughter didn't listen tk our respect talk, we will leave and i will deal with her accordingly" Carlisle said looking at Rosalie in disappointment

"Deal with it you shall because if my father hears about the lack of respect i am getting from my neighbours who have clearing been watching me before knocking on my door you will get a very angry knock on the door from the god of mischief and lies" I said angrily

Not one of them said anything they quickly left and when i say quickly i mean they were gone on a blink of an eye at inhumane speed. That's when i knew i had to talk to dad about what the hell is going on in this town because i did not sign up to be in a town with a bunch of supernaturals that will no doubt try to use me for my abilities. I close the door and walk back into the livingroom then sit back done on the couch with Blade following my every move. I grab my phone and dial dad's phone number because i need to tell him what happened so he doesn't find out from someone else and i want to ask him about the cullen family. The call doesn't ring long because after three rings he answers but i don't say anything because i am nervous of his reaction.

"Hello snowflake" He said sounding happy

"Hello dad" I said nervously

"What's wrong darling i can hear your nervousness" He said softly

"After i uploaded that social media post my neighbours called the Cullen's watched me from outside my cabin then they knocked on the door for Rosalie to apologise for her comment on my post but i sensed that her apology was a lie and it was" I said and i was still nervous to ask him about what they are

"I know that family i will ring my old friend Carlisle and tell him to keep his coven members in line, snowflake be careful around them" He said sounding worried

"Of course i will be careful and dad they left my property in a blink of an eye, what are they?" I asked nervously

"They're vampire's snowflake but they are animal blood drinking ones and they have abilities. I do trust Carlisle and other vampire's like my friend Aro but one of Carlisle's coven members is unpredictable. That someone is Edward, he is the golden boy of the family so watch him like a hawk and be careful" He said worriedly

"I will be careful now go enjoy you travels and don't worry about me you have taught me everything you know so i will be fine" I said softly

"Bye, I love you snowflake" He said softly

"I love you too dad" I said back just as softly

I end the call in shock because my neighbours are a family of freaking vampire's and one of them might try to convince the rest to use me for my power's. I couldn't stop the shudder that goes down my spine because i am not going to let then use me like i am some sort of weapon. I shake my head and do up to my bedroom with Blade at my side once in my room i get changed into my nightwear then curl up in my bed. Blade jumps onto the bed and lays next to me while patch slithers onto the pillow next to me making me roll my eyes because she has finally removed herself from my neck. I hear my phone ding so i open it and see that dad has tagged me in his post so i look at it and comment then put my phone on the night stand and got to sleep.


❤️Liked By: Captain_America, Bucky_Whitewolf_Barnes, Black_Widow, Kara_Lokisdottir and 4,539 other's

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❤️Liked By: Captain_America, Bucky_Whitewolf_Barnes, Black_Widow, Kara_Lokisdottir and 4,539 other's

God_Of_Mischief: Went for a little hike but it's not the same doing it alone without my shadow, my snowflake, my daughter. I miss you and remember to be careful my blue little snowflake❄️💙

👥️️: @Kara_Lokisdottir

Kara_Lokisdottir: I miss you too dad and i promise to be careful but you need to be careful too!!💙 x
💬God_Of_Mischief: I am always careful darling! x
💬Kara_Lokisdottir: Yeah of course you are dad!🙄

King_Aro: Have fun my friend and i will help keep an eye on little Kara from afar for you!
💬God_Of_Mischief: Thank my friend she definitely needs keeping an eye on after the phone call i just had.
💬King_Aro: Please ring or text me so i know what has happened!
💬God_Of_Mischief: Of course old friend, you will not be happy after hearing what i have to say.

Ironman_Tony: Have fun reindeer games but not to much fun!🤣
💬God_Of_Mischief: Shut up man of iron!

Dr_Cullen: Enjoy your travels, we will ensure your daughters safety.
💬God_Of_Mischief: Time will tell how safe my daughter is with your family.



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