An American Lion's Hunt

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There is was, a Large Monstrous Big Cat, that stood 5 feet tall, lack of mane, and was ready to kill

It was Panthera Atrox, The American Lion

The American Lion snarled at it's opponent, a large bear with a short face, Arctodus


The Lion and the Bear have been fighting for the carcass

The Lion and the Bear have been fighting for the carcass

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and the Lion, would not give up so easily!


The Panthera Atrox got ready, and then charged forward at the Short-Faced Bear

The Arctodus stood up, and got ready to claw-slash the Big Cat down to the ground

The Lion leapt at the Bear with full speed

and then-



The Lion bit down on the throat of the Bear, and tackled it down to the ground


The Bear roared in agony, as the Lion's bite was stabbed in it's neck, and tried clawing off it off, but the bite was too strong,


The Bear roared in panic, and stood up, and-


sunk it's claws in the back of the Lion, forcing it to let go,


The Lion was now trapped in a Bear hug, (literally), and tried to escape,

but then-



The Bear threw the Lion, sending it flying, and then, falling into a deep cliff


The Lion roared out fearfully, it would meets it's end!,

but then-


A portal had spawned

and then-

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