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Guys guys guys !!!!

Hello my peeps love ♥️😚

This note is for them who don't know my half yearly are near...I mean many of them know so yeah I was saying my peeps listen I'm having my half yearly in 2 weeks and believe me for me it's important to give that so my dear readers who wanted me to update frequently that means my all the 5 stories daily let me just tell you guys it's really impossible I can't I'm sorry if I am sounding rude !!

But let me tell you after my half yearly also I'm not going to be free I'll have my back to back papers i.e pre boards one 1 then pre board 2 and possibly pre board 3 then finally my boards and if you are indian you know the importance of being an board exams here !!

Being an student it's really hectic to go school...then comeback when coaching are waiting for you then self study I really don't get to e these days still I try to update and idk why tf I published a new book knowing the consequences lol and I swear ask the people who know me here they know how busy I am these please try to understand my side too and let's not compare authors...telling me there are many authors who have there exams going on or are student still update in 1- 2 days or daily I don't know how they do , I really appreciate there efforts they are putting in Istg !
Let me tell you I won't be able to update daily :(

But please don't compare them with me they would be best I understand I'm nothing in front of them as you say but I'm unique in my way ok
Ig comparing people isn't your right :)

I was thinking to take break for three months and then start writing when my exam pressure will be light but then I thought I still can write a bit and post but now you all-
I'm not saying all still there are my some readers who wanted me to do so

I'm sorry for being rude if I sounded

Love you all take care bye bye study well sleep well

Sending love from this side ♥️💕

Strict brothers and crushDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora