Once I heard that I ran my hands through my hair and yanked the strands. A burning sensation filled me, and I hissed in pain. I clenched my fists around my head refusing to let go ignoring all the mumbling "Fern let go dammit listen to me" A booming voice said, shaking me viciously.

I hadn't even realised I closed my eyes but when I opened them, I saw an annoyed looking Dimitri staring down at me holding both of my wrists in his hands. "Don't do stupid fucking things to yourself especially if they cause you pain" He gritted out. I felt his hands clench around my wrists, but it didn't hurt. I looked up to him, staring at him in the eyes and not looking away.

"Do not do that again, understand?" He demanded and I nodded my head taken aback by his words and actions all at the same time. The tears that were on the verge of spilling had disappeared and now all I could hear was my hammering heartbeat. He suddenly let go of my wrists and they fell into my lap, but he didn't move away like I first thought. Instead, he leaned down until he was face level with me.

I waited patiently thinking he was going to say something, it looked as though it may even been on the tip of his tongue but instead, he huffed and shook his head standing to his full height again and turned around and headed to the door. "If you left any details out that I should know about then let one of them know" by 'them' I knew he was referring to Vladimir, Ivan, Damien and Mikhail. My shoulders slumped watching him until I couldn't anymore, and the only noise was of the door slamming. The second the door closed my eyes were back to the floor as the disappointment seeped in.

Why was I disappointed? I tried to shake myself off the ugly feeling that refused to go away. "Fern" a voice called out and I looked over to a worried looking Ivan. He looked hesitant for a moment and took slow steps towards me, and I watched him come closer. "Are you alright?" He questioned. "Yes" I was quick to say.

"Well... Dimitri wanted me to tell you to be ready for dinner time. He spoke to the chef and told them to make Lasagna again-" I shake my head pausing him "No, I'm not hungry." I got up from the chair but didn't get far when hands wrapped around my waist. I was quick to look up and see Mikhail holding me in place. "You must" for a second I thought I saw desperation. "He's not always like this I swear" He was quick to add, and I instantly knew he was talking about Dimitri again. When he touched me, I felt a weird fuzzy feeling of comfort and I wanted to relax into it but refused to let myself fall like that.

"I preferred not tonight" I tried again looking up at him. He looked to the ground and then back to me and nodded "I'll have food brought to your new room which I'll be taking you too" I agreed and walked out of the room. In the corner of my eyes, I swear I saw something quickly move around the corner, but it all happened so fast I didn't see anything and thought I could have imagined it. "What's wrong?" Vladimir said coming up next to me and seeing my focused expression on the corner. "Nothing" I whispered and looked behind me and gestured for Mikhail to lead the way.

I should be thankful they aren't tying me down and assaulting me, I should be thankful that Dimitri is going to keep his promise and after 6 months of keeping me here he's going to let me go back to my home where mama is and my friends are, and then I can finally ask them why Sofia and Briteny left me in the woods all alone with nothing. Perhaps if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here right now, instead I could be working or at home helping with the house.

I take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds before letting it out. "Fern" Mikhail called out, grabbing my attention. So much for trying to keep a calm heart and head. "Yes," I replied, keeping a fast pace on me with Mikhail now trailing closely behind me. I had no idea how he got from being in front of me to being behind.

"I apologise for Dimitri's actions... It's just with this new news he has been on edge especially with all the new changes" I could hear the nervousness in his voice like he was careful with his words. "With new changes do you mean me?" I swallowed thickly my own nerves kicking in. "Yes." He rasped. "Then why keep me around?" I was confused and annoyed. If I was a simple a nuisance, then why would they keep me around.

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