⠀eight, ⠀watching the race.

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instead of going home right away, the stoic male had taken a detour but prior he'd asked her if she had anywhere to be. and when the answer worked in his favour, he was ecstatic only he didn't show it. as he rode all he could hear was the thumping of his heart, despite the loud thundering of his bike and strong winds, that was all he could focus on. well, that and her small arms wrapped around him.

the view is.. amazing. looking around, she noticed that they weren't particularly high up but it was still high enough to be considered a mountain.

"i go here sometimes after.. or before a fight. or just to cool my head." he told her and walked over to the only place they could sit. a nicely placed gazebo. "what're you doing just standing there?"

"enjoying the view loser," she shook her head at him before taking a seat across from him.

why the hell did she sit there? he furrowed his brows.

"i can tell exactly what you're thinking just from the look on your face. i sat here because well this channel i watch just went live, it's a biking show commentary." atari explained, briefly glancing at the light blue haired male before back at her phone.

without making a noise, he moved to sit beside her and rested his head on her lap. "let's just.. stay like this," he said, pulling out his earphones from his pocket and plugging it into his ears to listen to music. it was loud enough to drown out her phone but if she were to say something, he'd hear it.

in that way, they were in their own worlds but they were still together.

the main reason she didn't mind was because her twin often used her lap like this and she was comfortable with him, so the ravenette allowed it.




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the rules explained were simple enough but, what she wasn't expecting to see was people she knew. the annoying boy that'd punched her friend, minu and june. honestly, she felt a little hurt they didn't ask her to participate but this whole thing did seem like a crew thing and she wasn't apart of their crew.

from the moment the race began, she felt tense.

c'mon june.. she gripped onto her phone tightly and when she realise that he was using the slipstream technique. the ravenette relaxed a little.

june easily reached minu and he was off.

he's pretty fast. atari watched him intently and already, she could tell that something was up with his leg.

"the sunny high team has already entered the final course! mountain high's team still appears to be on on the second runner!" yeri announced from her phone.

it was all going okay with sunny high in the lead, but the next minute, minu had tumbled and fallen off his bike which caused her to sit up abruptly, shouting out a, "no!"

joker rubbed his head and pushed her back down onto the seat. "relax."

"oh. sorry, forgot you were there.." she apologised.

ignoring that comment, he rested his head back onto her lap and continued listening to his music. though he was curious as to what made her stand up so suddenly.

due to the accident, the stream was cut short.

now she was curious as to how the race ended.

now that her phone was down, he put his phone down too and sat up so that their shoulders were touching.

"so, how was that bike thing?" he asked.

"it was cut short because of an accident," she sighed and leaned into his shoulder. "i may have known some of the people that were racing."

"you worried?"

a heavy sigh escaped her lips, "maybe."

he glanced at her, "want me to take you home princess?"

"yeah, let's go." she stood up and began walking towards his bike.






( AUTHOR'S NOTE )he seems like the type who'dlike to garden? IDK YK THATSJUST MY INTERPRETATION ig

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he seems like the type who'd
like to garden? IDK YK THATS

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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