⠀one, ⠀blood and smoke.

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in their earlier years, both her and dom were rather alike in the sense that they were violent and if they were to make a 'mess' their father would take care of it. they had no feeling of responsibility.

atari was the first to change when she befriended a redhead and a nerd, not to mention the fact that her father had given her the responsibility of cleaning up her own messes and had told her she was going to be the next leader.

it was her choice entirely though, it wasn't forced onto her. he wasn't that type of dad. but she wanted to lead, so she decided to change. following her example and with the help of yuna, her younger twin matured into someone she was proud of.

but, just because she'd changed didn't mean she stopped her violent tendencies. in fact, working for her father made her even more explosive.

and protective.

she recalled an event that happened when dom was with yuna, her brother was far too infatuated and focused on the girl that he didn't notice a small group of boys eyeing him, from the looks of it, they were planning on doing something to him. probably someone he fought before he changed.

back then, they fought anyone willy nilly.

atari's red hues landed on the boys, a few who were carrying bats and something inside her snapped. "hey!" she called out, carrying a bat of her own, except unlike their wooden bats, hers was metal. "and what do you thinking you're doing?"

even though she was carrying a bat, they didn't perceive her as a threat. a pretty highschool girl wearing sweats? no way she could take all of them.

"did he do something to you too? he beat up our mate, so we're going to do the same to him," one of them spoke up, eager to impress her. surely it would. they were avenging their friend, what was more impressive than that?

she didn't think it was.

and before any of them could process what was happening, the cold metal bat connected with the warm flesh of his skin.

it was a hell of a hit.

"what the fuck?!"

"that guy you were planning on getting revenge on..." she trailed off and rested her bat on her shoulder. "is my brother."

𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺. ( vinny hong )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant