Lady Sophia Dorothea and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard

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Lord Anthony Christopher Howard father and mother, Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa blessed his family with one final child, another golden hair daughter, Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, Duchess of Gloucester on March 21, 2290 and she was just as...

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Lord Anthony Christopher Howard father and mother, Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa blessed his family with one final child, another golden hair daughter, Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, Duchess of Gloucester on March 21, 2290 and she was just as beautiful as Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane who was now age 15 years old and her three brothers, Lord Anthony Christopher who was ten years old, Lord Albert Edward who was age five years old and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey who was age 2 years old along with Lady Samhain, Duchess of Clarence Territory age 13 years old and Lady Caroline Matilda Carey who was 8 years old at the time of Lady Sophia Dorothea birth.

Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa had celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary and they completed their family together by 2290.

Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard would be created Duchess of Gloucester Territory on Star Base 12 and in June of 2290, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard would be escorted to her cotillion to be presented to polite society on Star-Base 12.

Lady Karissa had to prepare Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane for her cotillion and to make sure that she was dressed according to protocol in a white dress and flowers, but her grandfather insisted that she wear the coronet of that her great-great-grandmother, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort wore when she married her great-great-grandfather, Lord Frederick William Howard.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard as the crown princess of the Howard family is escorted by her father, His Grace, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory and by his side, His Grace, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Duke of York Territory, and his oldest son, His Grace, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and from the balcony watching are Her Grace, Lady Karissa, Marchioness of Pembroke Territory and Duchess of Norfolk Territory and her eldest son, His Grace, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory.

Also in attendance are His Grace, Lord Richard Edward Howard II, Duke of Wessex Territory and his son, Lord Richard Edward Howard III, His Grace, Lord John Seymour and his son, Lord Edward Seymour and they are both looking for their son's bride.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard with his father and oldest brother escort Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard into the ballroom at Ritz Inn in Norfolk on Star-Base 12 and they stand inside front of the door waiting for their names to be called and the announcer calls out " His Grace, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk with his father, His Grace, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Duke of York Territory and His Grace, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III, Duke of Sussex Territory presenting Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard."

Lord Andrew Charles escorts Lady Elizabeth and Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and his eldest son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III walk behind him and Lord Andrew Charles Howard bows and Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane gives a sweeping curtsy and she rises to her feet slowly and with her father, grandfather, and uncle walk slowly away from the President of The United Federation and his wife and the other dignitaries of the United Federation of Planets.

Lord Anthony Christoper Howard, Duke of Lancaster TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now