Mouring him

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They all cry.

They all cry because they are sad and worried about their friend Reid. They all cry because they were happy and excited to have a new 'family' member. Reid is special, WAS special.

Reid was different because he has autism. He's different than other people because he talks a lot and is always asking questions.

Reid was wonderful because he never gives up and is always smiling and happy.

Until something happened.

Reid went into a mission with JJ, he was kidnapped and torture. The boy they took out was not Reid. Reid didn't look out the window for as long as this new guy. He didn't say facts or talk for hours about why the place they were visiting was named after some boring guy, but to Reid, to Reid they were amazing, so then they were amazing to the rest of the team as well. This guy just said what had to be said, didn't talk, didn't smile, and didn't held his head up.

They mourn, the mourn the lost of someone who's physically still there. They all knew him so well. They all knew him so well and they all loved him. He was their friend, their teammate, and most importantly their family.

They tried to revive him, tried to revive their dead best friend. But they couldn't, they don't have a connection to this new guy. He was nothing like Reid. He didn't even looked liked Reid, his hair grew out and he let his natural curls do the designing. His began dressing in casual clothes instead of his nice autumn ones. He lost those glasses that fitted his adorable nose and replaced them with contacts that helped bring attention to his eyes.

What was worse was that they saw their best friend slowly disappear infront of their eyes. They saw his changes, they saw him dying right infront of them, and they did nothing.

They never believed in the phrase, "you only miss them when their gone" but that was because they thought they had more time with him. They thought they had more time with Reid, the skinny tall man who knew how to make someone smile, someone who remembered tiny details about something said in a conversation , then watch them be surprised after realizing how much he actually does pay attending to them and their conversations.

They all said their goodbyes to Reid, said goodbyes to those conversations they would have with him that would end up with someone laughing so hard that they cried, say goodbye to those one-on-one moments they had with him wether it be at the movies or just at home enjoying one another's presence. Saying goodbye to those 'random' hugs they would reseive from him, but in reality they weren't random for Reid and whoever got a hugged. Reid knew who needed a hug and when. Reid knew his family because he was family.

Not him, not the guy who knew a person was suffering and did nothing, say nothing, do nothing.




So why were they so scared to lose him. Lose a guy who looks like he doesn't wanna be here, be seen with them, talk to them. Hotch tries to put him in groups with people he knew Reid was close with, but whenever they would try and change the conversation to something outside of work, Reid would just ignore them, only engaging into conversation about the case.

Hotch thought of putting him into therapy, tried getting him to open up, open up about what happened during those dark times, what he done, said, do to their beloved friend. But he wouldn't budge, wouldn't talk, wouldn't even look up. He just sat, looked down, and didn't utter a word. Didn't do anything.

He hasn't done anything new. Just sit there, talk about case, find evidence, find unsub and/or victim, go home, and repeat. Everyday was the same, he never broke protocol.

Until that night.

Reid sat down crying, hunched over his knees, and cried. Cried all the tears he held in, cried until he was just heaving. And they watched, they watched as their best friend resurfaced before being pulled back into oblivion, nothing.

They all stood in front of him, watching him cry out for something, anything.

And they did nothing, just watched as silent tears fell down their cheeks. Looking down at the pitiful man who showed no emotion until this night.

They don't know why they didn't do anything and just stood there, watching, waiting for anything.

Maybe they were tired of always crying over something that was gone, something that they wished..prayed came back, but nothing ever did. Just the overwhelming sadness, pain, and suffering that they had to occur.

So they just stood, silently crying, no emotions whatsoever, looking at him. The man who looks like their family yet didn't resemble him at all.

The next day was a silent one, no one said anything, no one did anything about the odd man, the odd man who didn't do anything human, the odd man who cried his heart out in just one single night, the odd man who sat at his desk looking at nothing, and they felt nothing.

The day felt so slow yet so fast, once the time hit they slowly packed up. They got into the elevator. Did they even noticed that he got out a tissue to wipe his runny nose? Did they notice that he made it halfway towards the elevator before stopping and crying? Did they notice him turning back and going to straight to the restroom? Did they notice him at all ever since that night?

They did.

They just wished they haven't.

Acknowledging him made it hurt.

Made their body's hurt.

Made their heart's hurt.

That something so sweet and innocent was gone.

And they were scared.

They were so ever living scared of when they would ever be able to see their best friend again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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