Abusive Girlfriend PT6

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-Morgan's POV-

As I drove into my driveway, I began thinking about what I was going to do during my week. As I parked and was about to unbuckle myself, I remember I left my files at work. The worser news was it was on Reid's desk...Reid.

I unbuckled myself and opened the door to which I was welcomed to the chilly air. I got out and slammed the door.

I hope there's not a dent.

As I finally was inside, I slammed-kicked the door shut. I don't feel angry, but my actions are saying otherwise. I go to my bedroom and fall onto my bed. I began thinking again what to do this week and how I am going to apologize to Spencer.

I immediately thought of asking Garcia but then she would ask why, I would tell her, she's most LIKELY to ask and tell Spencer that 'ya your probably being abused.' I can't tell her because of how MUCH Spencer hates having attention on him especially if it's anything related to his health.

I then tried to think of how could help him. I realized it might look bad if I let someone do the apologizing for me or helped. I tried to think of all the things he said he likes. There's coffee but then again EVERYONE knows that, and he also probably knows that.

After a couple of minutes, I realized I don't remember or know anything he likes! What kind of friend am I?

Oh wait.

The one that makes them cry and is looking for someone to help them because they're too much of a pussy to do it by themselves.

Will he even forgive me? Will he quit? What if the abuse continues with and without him quitting? What if he tells people and they hate or leave me? What if they both happens? Will people suspect when we're not talking? Will we only talk because of the job? Will he ask for a transfer? What if it happens? What will everyone think? What if they found out and blame me? Will he quit his job because of me? Will we never see each other again? Will he even think twice? What if he never looks back? What if he dies because of her? What if he does because I didn't do anything about it or her? Will he leave me?!

Who am I kidding he already did. How can anyone forgive someone after they did that? He wouldn't. Hell, I wouldn't. But if Spencer were the one. Fuck if it was Spencer, I'll forgive him. Would that mean the feeling is mutual? Does that mean he forgives me because I would if he was the one to do it? Hell I don't even know what I'm thinking. Well neither did he...

I realized how sleepy I became.

 I'll take a nap.

This is probably a dream.


A nightmare.

When I wake up it'll all be ok. It'll all be ok. It'll be ok.


-Hotch's POV-

After I put Jack to sleep, I looked at the clock. It read 9:36AM. The sky was a beautiful dark blue. The light-posts just turn on a bit ago.

I headed downstairs to see if I need to do anything if before I go to sleep. I go to the kitchen and look at the calendar and list that's on the fridge. This week and next week are clear and the chores are done.

I headed back upstairs to my room after checking up on Jack one more time. Once I saw he was still ok I continue down the hallway.

After I was in bed I kind of wish I told Jack if he wanted to sleep with me tonight. After Haileys death I can't seem to fall asleep as easy. With her everything was calm, and we were all in checked. But now I can't help the feeling of something missing. Even if I were to deep clean this house and have it all clean and organized it still felt like something was missing. But every day and night I still can't find out what.

Today is worse though. Jack being sick. Same with his aunt. There's no one to take care of him for me. I can hire a babysitter but being a profiler can be paranoing. What if they're a killer?

Who can babysit him? I still need to work. But they'll understand. Right? No, I need to work. But I can't leave him all alone...REID!

I immediately jumped out of bed and ran downstairs towards the living room where we had a telephone. Once I got there, I put down Reid's phone number. At the last digit I forgot his if it was a three or a six. I went with my gut and pressed three. If this is the wrong number at least I know it's a six. I probably have to right down my teammates phone-numbers now. Hopefully he didn't go to sleep yet.

After a few rings I was about to put down the phone before I heard a soft sleepy whisper,


-Reid's POV-

After I got inside my apartment, I slammed the door. I didn't feel angry, yet my actions were saying otherwise. I walk over to my bed and sat down thinking. If Ariel were here, she would tell me what to do. Ever since she walked into my life, I couldn't feel happier. She helped me become a less weirder me.  She helped me know when to stop and what to do when there's a problem.

That's something the team can't take away, and if we were to sadly breakup, I hope we could still be friends because of the amazing advice she gives me. I realized that she might come late and I don't want her to come home to a dirty house, so I got up and started cleaning.

-Time Skip-

9:30 was the time when I fell on my bed. I did all the chores that hell the apartment looks brand new, also because I deep cleaned it. My arms and legs were tired, so I decided to take a shower.

After a five-minute shower I got out and changed into comfortable PJs. I then walked around the house to see if maybe I DID forget something. I then see that the fridge looked empty. Oh ya, Ariel said she did it already. Happy, I went back to my bed so I can sleep.

As I lay down letting sleep take me the phone rang. I got up saying not so very kind words and walked to see who it was. Still sleepy it took a while to get there. As I saw the caller ID, I picked up the phone wondering what happened.


For those readers who like reading at the top or middle of their phonesss

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