Abusive Girlfriend PT5

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-Reid's POV-

As the door closed and the elevator went down, I decided to call my girlfriend. It rang 3 times before she picked up.


"I'm going home early, something happend to my boss and he let us out early so-"

"O-oh! Ahaha I was just about to tell you I'm not home."

"Didn't you say you were going to sl-?"

"I wAs but I couldn't, so I decided to go grocery shopping and visit my friend."

"Oh, are they alright?"

"H-SHE is, her boyfriend is overseas, and she just needs someone right now since she's pregnant."

"Oh...well thanks for telling me Ariel."

"O-oh yAa Reid! I don't know when I'll be back so if you're tired don't wait for me ok?"

"Sure bye."

She then hangs up. See she's nice! She's helping her family and friends and is even grocery shopping!

The elevator doors open, and I go outside. Once I'm outside I see Morgan's car 3 car spaces to the right. I quickly ran towards my car and got inside.

As I turned around to look at his car, I saw him with his eyes close. On his left hand his fingers were taping his steering wheel and on the other he had his phone. He probably called Garcia an-

*Tap, tap, tap*

My thoughts were disturbed as I quickly turn around to see Hotch knocking on my window. I turn on my car so I can roll down the window, I don't want to open the door and let all that cold air in.

As I'm rolling down the window, I see him looking where Morgan is. I look at him and see his face soften.

"Something wrong Hotch?"

"Huh? Oh ya! Umm..."

He looked down at his hand and I see a cup of coffee.

"You should probably go back inside; your coffee might get too cold."

"Oh this? No this is for you."

"...What? Why?"

"Before I left, I saw you didn't have your coffee yet."

Is that now a thing?! If I don't have a coffee someone always gets me one! I mean I appreciate it but now I probably have to make an announcement of how they don't need to get me one if they don't want to.

It's not like I'll die without it, and I can still work properly.

"After that whole...scene. I saw you only drank a bit of your coffee that Mo-he bought you. So, I just wanted to get you another since the other one is probably already cold and won't taste as good it was before"

My hand touched the coffee, and it was room-temperature and was a little light, so it probably was his before and I'm pretty sure he just wanted to talk to me with an excuse.

"O-oh ok thank you Hotch." Why do I keep stuttering?

I took the coffee and took a sip. It tastes good and he surprisingly knew how much sugar I put into mine.

I looked at him and smiled. I didn't notice but his face and smile soften as if he was tired but looking at an adorable puppy.

"Are you ok?"

"Huh! Why would you ask?"

"You said something happen before you left, is everything alright? I know it's not my place and you don't have to mean it but just you saying it's ok will help me not worry about you...I ME-"

"No, no I'm alright, Jack just got sick, and the school called. His aunt is also sick, so I'm pretty sure how he got it." Hotch chuckled and so did I.

"Makes sense and it is November almost December so not trying to worry you, but it might get a little worse." I said sipping my coffee.

"True, true. Well, I just wanted to give you your coffee before you left."

"Thanks Hotch, see you tomorrow."

"Nope you have to take at least a day off and don't forget to call tonight alright?"

"Yes dad."




I'm pretty sure I sped a red light and drove over someone.

-Morgan's POV-

As I'm inside my car I look and see Reid's car. Wait-HES STILL HERE?!

I began panicking. Did he see me? Does he know this is my car? Should I stay here? If I leave would that look bad? Is he even in the car? Should I go and see if he is? Would that be weird? What if he's still inside and once he comes outside, will he get Hotch? What if he's looking at me right now from his car?

I looked and saw an outline of him. I now know he has tints on his car...but why. I clenched my steering wheel. I try to calm down because last time I made an outburst I got suspended.

I then see Hotch talking to him. I sigh and close my eyes.

After a minute or more I turn on my car so the heater could start working. Once I was about the drive away, I turn and see that Reid and Hotch are looking at each other. Then I see Reid speed out of here and Hotch have a shocking expression on his face.

I wondered what happened? I began driving away but before I left, I saw Hotch smiling. Now I really wanted to know what happened.

-Hotch's POV-

As Reid drove off, I didn't know what to do. Did Reid see me as a parental figure? I couldn't help but feel happy as the youngest and the one the WHOLE team babies called me dad. Not going to lie I did see him as a son and not because he's the youngest.

Some cases I can't but feel worried about him. Hell don't get me started when someone says something about an undercover agent and Reid has at least ONE thing that resembles the unsubs type.

I head back inside and got the rest of my things and then went back outside towards my car. Once inside I called the school and told them how I am now driving to pick up Jack.

For those readers who read at the top or middle of their phones

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