Abusive Girlfriend PT2

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-Morgan's POV-

I arrived at work a minute early. I went inside and I notice Spencer's vehicle wasn't in the driveway. I shrugged it off thinking maybe he was just about to drive in. I stayed outside for a few seconds, I then turned around and walked away. I would've stayed outside longer but it was too cold so instead of waiting, I entered the building.

I got to my desk and looked at my case files, I had five because I did one at home. I look over to see Spencer still had six. I wondered what pretty boy was so busy doing that he didn't even, by the looks of it, start his files.

I was about to make an announcement about what or who keep him busy but before I could the thought of him dating someone made my blood boil. I decided not to say anything at all about it until Spencer walks in.

I sat down and began waiting for Spencer to show up because around this time he would have been here or walk out the elevator by now.

-Time skip-

Around a minute later I see Spencer walk out it the elevator. I was about to say 'Good-morning pretty boy' and probably add why he was late but then I saw him smile and walk towards his desk.

I was a little shocked because Reid usually seemed sad or depressed when he made a mistake, like being late for example. I was even more shocked he didn't even say hi to me before walking off. Hell he didn't even have his coffee!

I was about to go stand up but before I could Hotch opened his door and made an announcement.

 "Hey guys something happened so once you're all done with your files, turn them in or bring them with you until tomorrow but once you're finished you guys are welcomed to head home. See you guy's tomorrow and enjoy the rest of your day off."

He then walked away and headed towards the elevators waving goodbye to us.

-Reid's POV-

Once the elevator door closed all hell broke loose.

Everyone started writing and drink their coffee faster. Their tongues seemed to have burn, but they didn't seem to care or notice. I then thought if they could write fast, why can't I?

So I did.

-Morgan's POV-

After those doors closed, I wrote faster. Hell I didn't even know I could write this fast.

I did know writing this fast might make it look sloppy and hell I might even get things wrong. But I wanted to talk to Spencer without worrying about other things or him telling me I should worry about my work or something else instead of talking to him and waste my time.

I always think but never say to him that talking to him is not a waste of time and I could care less of the case. I don't say it cause I'm shy. The real reason I don't say it is because he might overreact about how important it IS and how he isn't. Or pull up one of Gracias tricks and not talk or hang out with me for a week. Or both.

I don't have a crush on Spencer but just seeing him safe or just being partnered up with him to go talk to the victim's parents on a case just makes me so happy.

I realized I was gay dreaming because once I snapped out of it, I saw Gideon giving Reid a pat on the back, but he seemed to be to focus to noticed, and Garcia walking off saying and waving bye with a victory smile since she was all done for the day.

I began speeding because once the kid was done with something, he is a hard guy to look for. Plus, if he's done, he might go home and I probably won't notice or I'll try and talk to him, but he'll send me back to finish up and 'stop wasting time.'

-Reid's POV-

Once I was done with my second to last file I looked around the office.

Hotch left. Hotch is my boss and the unit chief, he is stern and loss his wife to one of our unsubs. He has a kid named Jack and is very clingy and very overprotective over him since he's scared he'll end up losing him too.

I look around and didn't see Gideon nor Garcia's door open a hatch.

Gideon is my mentor. He is someone I can look up to. He is smart and even I can't tell what he can do next. He is an important part of the team and my life. He has a son but never contacts because he thinks his son doesn't want to hear from him.

Garcia is an angel from heaven. She has a bubbly personality and has kindness for everyone even if they don't deserve it. She is our technical analyst and without her we probably wouldn't be able to solve lots of cases. She lost her parents and hacked into the government system. Which led to her capture and her getting an offer to working here, but she said it was the best mistake she ever did. But then again sometimes she says it's not a mistake because she met all of us.

I looked around again and saw JJ who was surprisingly almost done because she has her stuff on her desk ready to go.

JJ is short for Jennifer Jareau. Only her friends can call her that. She helps deals with the press and has a son and husband. Her son is named Henry who is mine and Garcia's godson. She a someone who can blue steel someone in a coma if she wanted. She is a strong and independent woman.

I look around again and see Emily having 2 or 3 more files left.

Emily joined a while ago and had a hard start. Gideon didn't really give her chances at the beginning. It's ok now but he still prefers being without her. She's like JJ. Strong and more independent. She is the last member of the girl group which Garcia made. She is very fluent in the job with her knowing more than one language and her will to finish the job and get the justice the victim's and families deserve.

I don't even bother looking at Derek because he probably escorted Garcia out and didn't or will later finish his files at home.

I was about to speed threw my last file but then I remembered something Ariel had said to me.

'Just because your better than people in most things doesn't mean you can brag about it. Stop being selfish and let other shine will you?'

I suddenly felt bad and started going in, well what felt like normal to me, a normal pace.

Not to long later I was on the last bit of the file but before I could continue, I saw someone in the corner of my eye move my stuff around, sit on my desk, and cover the last bit of my file with their hand.

-Morgan's POV-

I realized I finished with all my files and once I looked up. I saw that I beat Reid. I was so excited I stood up and speed walk over there.

I walked back and grabbed my case files because me being faster than Reid was a sign that I probably messed up a bit.

As I was right behind Reid, I saw he was about to finish the last part of his, by the looks of it, last file for the day. I then moved most of the stuff off his desk and somewhere else because I knew he would still like it to be keep organized so I moved it into one of his bottom drawers.

I then sat down closing the drawer with my leg, place my hand over the last part right before he could start it, causing him to throw a little glare at me. And said,

"Well hey there pretty boy."

For those readers who read at the top or middle of their phones

Reid moments(including some Moreid)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें