Alicent "she wouldn't worry, either should you. enough of lords and kings, and what if your father was to remarry? your father loves you two. he chose her as his heir, and if he didn't have Rhaella he would have chosen you."

"He didn't choose her, he Hates Daemon."

Alicent "and that's why you two love him. kneel with me"

I kneel with her

Alicent "I find this is the way I can be with my mother. here in the quiet of the Septa. I feel close to her. I know it sounds foolish

"I don't think it's foolish, I don't."

Alicent "good. where is your sister anyways?"

"When she gets stressed or upset she always goes flying, she told me it gets her away from all this."

Alicent "ahh, I see."

Rhaella Prov

later that night we all had dinner together, and we were all silent, Rhaenyra and I haven't spoken to father.

"We haven't spoken much."

Father "a regret of mine, I'm sorry to both of you. we all should be able to our minds together."

Rhaenyra "well you can say whatever you like you are the king."

"Yes of course but when I do it, I get scolded."

Father just chuckled "I loved your mother, very much."

Rhaenyra and I said together "as did we."

"Well I picked a knight, all the rest were boring."

Father "oh."

"But in questioning them, Sir Criston was the only man that was suitable, and he will be Rhaenyra's knight."

Father "he will be a good kings guard"

"Did the small council?"

Father "pay no mind, you are young."

"Yes I know I'm a young father but I'm smart as well. I just thought."

Father "you will learn."

I remind quiet. After dinner I and Rhaenyra left and when to our separate bedrooms.

the next morning I watched as father was with Laena walking in the gardens, I walked away with Rhaenyra

Rhaenys "it bothers you does it not?"

"Our father is king. He must take a new wife and strengthen his lines."

Rhaenys "I didn't ask for a lesson in politics, I asked whether this bothered you?"

"Laena is your daughter princess. Does it bother you?"

Rhaenys "of course it does. but I understand the order of things. I'm not sure you do."

"If you are trying to elicit some anger from me it won't work."

Rhaenys "quit the opposite, whether it's my daughter or someone else, your father will remarry sooner than later. his new wife will produce a new heir, and chances are they will be a male, and when your father dies that male will take the throne not you. because that's the order of things"

"Well, I guess it's time for a change. when I'm queen I will make a new order. thank you my princess for that lecture."

I and Rhaenyra left and went for a dragon ride for a bit.

I and Rhaenyra left and went for a dragon ride for a bit

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