Chapter 14 - Cats In The Bag (Narrator)

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"Wait, shouldn't one of us stay here and watch..." His eyes went to Chat Noir, who was still tied up. "You're right." She was probably going to choose someone else that wasn't him if he doesn't volunteer on his own.

He just can't sound eger because that will cause suspicion upon him and why hes so desperate to he left behind with Chat Noir. "I can do it.." He said, making it not desperate at all. Just quiet and slow.

"Are you sure?" Ladybug asked him. Viperion nodded. "Yes." Ladybug looked at him and then to the others. "Okay." She turns to Queen Bee, Rena Rouge and Carapace.

"Let's split up. Rena, you and Carapace look all over that way, Queen Bee and I will try to find Juleka and ask her where she thinks her brother might be." They nodded and parted ways.

Shit... I need to be Luka right now, but I also need to be Viperion. What am I supposed to do?

Chat Noir moved and it made Viperion jump in surprise, ready to defend himself if he needed to. The two boys made eye contact. Only this time it was the snake-like yellowish-green ones that met with the pure white eyes of Chat Noirs, who's eyes used to be the normal cat-like green Viperion always knew and loved.

Since they're not going to find... Me, I might as well give it a try right now before they come back. Obviously not here, it's too out in the open. Viperion thinks, he looked around for the closest alley where he could hide.

When he spotted one he quickly looked at Chat Noir, who was still once more. He knelt down to face Chat Noir at his level since he was sitting.

"He's going to get you out." It was weird for Viperion to talk about himself in the third person, but then again it wasn't all that strange.

Viperion was very cautious when he attempted to reach out and pick Chat Noir up in his arms. He was biting his lip and slowly and carefully reached to get Chat in his arms.

It was successful, Chat Noir let him do it and he just stayed still while Viperion held him. He couldn't help but just stare at Chat Noir.

He sighed and jumped into the alley he found. He put Chat down against the wall. "Stay here." He ordered. Chat didn't answer.

Viperion began to back away, still facing Chat Noir to make sure he stayed put. Still watching him, Viperion found a wall that blocks out the view Chat has to see him.

He was almost fully behind the wall, leaving his head poking out to still watch Chat Noir. "Scales Rest." He said and hid his head. He looked back and made sure Chat was still there, he was.

He let Sass hide and quickly made his way back to Chat Noir. He obviously had to act like he has no idea whats wrong with him because Mind Stealer could be watching him through Chats eyes.

Luka sat down in front of Chat Noir. "Hey Kitty..." Chat moved his head a little. "I know there's still some of you in there. Please, give me a sign... I won't let you be fully controled.." Luka's words seemed to reach all the way to the very back of Chat Noirs still couscous mind.


Adrien's head felt dizzy. He wasn't Chat Noir. Not at this moment. Plagg wasn't around. He didn't even know where he was. Just a white space.

Is this where Viperion meant when he said he was surrounded by white when he was in that deep sleep? Adrien asked himself. "I must be in the same place..." He thought out loud.

He took a step forward. Just seconds later an arrow struck right beside him. "Oh yeah, I'm being mind controled." He reminded himself.

He ran, but more arrows kept flying at him. Adrien managed to dodge as many as he could. The arrows were getting dangerously close to him.

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