5. Papers (EJ x Reader) (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

And with that we were off. It was a short walk, probably about 5 minutes, though it took longer because my sister wanted to look at the flowers on the way.

She loved flowers. Anything we got her had to have flowers. A dress? Flowers. A blanket? Flowers. I don't blame her though, flowers are super cool. She also like trucks, which she had a massive collection of.

She ended up picking a decent amount of Marigolds that she started weaving while we walked to the park. Of course, she made me hold the flowers she wasn't using. I didn't mind though, it was nice to see her enjoying something.

I hummed a small tune as the park came into view. It was pretty simple, with woodchips and two play structures. One was larger and in the center, and the other one was smaller and off to the side. There was a swing set and a large tree with a bench that wrapped around the trunk.

I sat on the shaded bench and watched as she ran off to go play with other kids. I kept an eye on her for a while to make sure none of them would be mean to her, though after she found another girl who appeared to be around her age, maybe a little older, who took her hand and led her over to the swing set, I let my eyes wander away from her.

A man sat down on the bench next to me after maybe ten minutes.

He had almost shoulder length brown hair that was curly and looked like it hadn't been combed in a while. It didn't make him look bad though. He had grayish blue eyes and glasses with rectangular lenses. He wore a black hoodie with ripped up blue jeans.

He blended in for the most part, except for the fact that he was reading a textbook like it was a new book in his favorite series. He was just, reading it. AND HE LOOKED LIKE HE ENJOYED IT? This man must be crazy.

I tried to get a gist about what the book was on, but it mentioned random long words like 'cerebral dysfunction' and 'delirium'. I didn't understand anything so I just gave up.

Maybe I was bored or maybe I was feeling brave or maybe I was just feeling plain stupid, but I decided it would be a brilliant idea to start a conversation with him.

Why? Again, maybe I was feeling stupid.

Social interaction had never been my strong suit, but I might as well give it a shot, right?

"Hey man, wassup?" I asked him with a stupid grin on my face. I was internally cringing because of how bad that sounded and how my voice sounded almost a full octave higher than usual. I also didn't expect to be smiling at people today, so I didn't do my little review on how to smile.

I essentially look in the mirror and practice smiling so that it looks natural and not creepy. I was always bad at and it felt so unnatural. My mom always said I had a pretty smile, but that's what moms have to say. It's apart of the rules for being a mom.

He looked up at me and smiled softly. DAMMIT HOW DID HE DO IT SO EASILY?

"Hey," he said in a slightly scratchy voice. Okay well that was kinda fucking attractive.

He turned to fully face me, closing his book as he did so. And I was right. It was a textbook. And do you even want to fucking know what the title said? BASIC SURGERY. HE WAS READING A TEXTBOOK ABOUT SURGERY.

While I was contemplating my existence, he had put his legs up on the bench and now sat criss cross facing me.

"So," I started, unsure how I should talk to him, "Were you actually reading that or were you just pretending to in order to look smart or something?" Holy shit that probably sounded so rude oh my-

He cut off my train of thoughts by laughing. He had a really pretty laugh. His eyes were squinted and he had put the back of his hand up to his mouth. Well now I don't know if he's hot or cute.

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