Lightning God, Enel//Chapter 93

Start from the beginning

Once Robin stopped at the edge of the of the hallway, Faythe quickly noticed that they were only in a small part of the ruins and were only at a window of the grand temple.

Slowly taking out the visual dial from her bag, Faythe gently pushed down the axel and heard a click.

Robin turned to the red head in confusion until she realized what she held, "Are you taking pictures...?"

Faythe let out a small breathe of excitement and turned to the older woman with a sparkling aura, "Can I go out!!" She squealed.

Robin blinked in surprise at the sudden change of emotion, but then she softened and giggled, "Who am I to stop you? I'll wait here and enjoy the view while you get those visuals for your writing." She waved her along with a smile. She then took her backpack and belongings so they'd be safe with her.

"Really!? Aight I won't take long! Promise!" Faythe waved her with a smile and jumped off the ledge. Spiraling through the air, she twisted into her parrot form with the dial in her talons.

Everywhere she looked, she gazed at towering temples and towers. Old worn and still standing homes. Even after 800 years, nature did not stop its growth on such a beautiful city. Her eyes trailing from trees stacked on top of roofs and balconies. Roots stretched out like veins in one's arm. Sprawled out to cover as much ground as it could. And at the center stood the imposing temple of this grand place.

Taking a moment to appreciate the view, Faythe clicked the dial to capture this moment.

"So this is the Golden City, Shandora."


Making her way back to Robin, she finally spotted her rushing towards a black stone that was engraved with multiple characters that were unreadable to Faythe. But they looked exactly like the language in which Corbett wrote the book title in.


Robin slowly stepped forward out of breathe, "I never would have thought that there would be completely untouched... Poneglyphs here..."

"Poneglyphs...?" Faythe made her way to Robin's side to observe the stone in front of her.

"The creators of those writings were the only ones who could use them..." Robin the glanced at Faythe, "Which is mainly why I wish to see that brother of yours..."

Faythe furrowed her brows at this new fact, "What does it say?"

Robin turned back to the stone and trailed her fingers over the engravings, "Truth in the heart and the mouth sealed... We are the those who record history... Together with the sound of the Great Belfry..."

Faythe rubbed her chin in thought, "That's right. Noland's diary said... There should be a huge golden bell somewhere around here." She glanced over Robin's shoulder.

Robin turned in the same direction and started to speed walk away and out of the temple, "All the books in the city were burned... It's entire History was lost...!?"

As Faythe followed after Robin, the red head couldn't help but hear a slight hum from the black Poneglyph. Her eyes narrowing at the sound, "Weird..."


They now stood at the foot of the giant bean stalk that reached the sky above.

"A once prosperous city that tried to protect history... What happened to this world back then...!?" Robin huffed out.

Faythe's eyes noticed small tracks by her feet, her shuffles of following said tracks were heard by Robin as she slowly followed, "Faythe..?"

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