Chapter One: Meet the Bards

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The mild winter air hummed with the vibration of music echoing from within the Conservatory, music that Alori Villenata, Crown Princess of the Ville-Realms, could thread with her goddess-granted magic, a sacred practice between bard and Shieldmaker which had kept all safe throughout the holy lands for centuries. This was a monumental day, however chilly and mundane it might appear from the outset. The eldest Villenata princess had arrived at the Conservatory to select her husband, the next bard prince. It was also a bittersweet day, as Alori's mother, who would have been her escort if fate had been kinder to the queendom, was only able to be with her in spirit.

Alori shirked her footman's offered arm as she dismounted the royal coach, and immediately felt remorse. She hadn't meant to offend Mr. Baejun, the stolid old man still holding out his arm to her, his graying head bowed in deference. It was only that Alori's hands were shaking and she preferred that no one know.

A quiet word of thanks was given to him as she passed the coach in a swish of skirts, on her way toward the stags tethered to the front of the carriage with delicate silver chains. The beasts chuffed happily at her approach, their calm breathing and confidence acting as a testament to their fine breeding. These stags had carried Alori and her grandmother over three hours from the palace to reach the Conservatory, traversing many rutted pastoral roads along the way, and still regarded her with serene gazes awaiting further command.

"Thank you, Bellesan. Mr. Baejun will take you to the stables now." Alori set her palm on the leader's tawny pelt. His plush fur was warm even through her thick winter glove. "Rest well, my friend."

The stag snorted, turning his muzzle into the crook of her arm. She reached up and patted the nearest curve of Bellesan's antler, then bade farewell to the other three royal draught-animals before turning toward her ultimate destination. As her grandmother, the marchioness, would say, there was no time for dawdling. Alori was about to face her future at long last... Or too soon, depending on one's perspective. 

Drawing in a steadying breath, she followed the deep blue carpet that had been rolled out upon her arrival. The Conservatory rose before her, an impressive structure with a glass dome roof and stone walls surrounded by mature evergreens and berry bushes dusted with snow. The massive double doors to the main entrance stood open.

Alori steeled herself to continue through the threshold as slender fingers curled around her arm.

"You're finally here," her grandmother murmured, leaning on her walking cane. "Do you sense his presence?"

"Of course not. You know it isn't like that, Hamoni."

The marchioness' name was Arialey Nata, but she preferred her grandchildren call her by the nickname that translated into grand-woman in the old language, claiming it made her feel more important as a former commoner living among the strongest line of mages on Eala. Standing half a head shorter than Alori, who was not a tall woman by any standard, Hamoni was dressed to complement her surroundings in a white, short-waisted jacket over a stiff empire skirt in the same midnight blue shade that was favored by the Conservatory's decorators, along with silver and touches of light gold.

Always with an eye for fashion, a glittering crystal hand-grip was affixed to the end of the old woman's cane.

"Some are aware you have a favorite composer among these young bards, my dear. They'll assume it's the reason you've come three months earlier than expected, and I'm sure they're wondering if you will be able to match his music with his face."

Alori smoothed her hands down the sides of her velvet traveling dress. "It doesn't work like that, and even if it did, the bards' music won't be the only factor in my decision as to whom I shall marry."

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