His eyes meet mine and he smiles at me, which only makes the knots in my stomach turn. I want to run, but my legs refuse to move. With everyone watching Charlie Todd walks up to me...me!

"I didn't think you would show up?" He says.

I laugh nervously. With him standing so close I can see freckles on his chest and a small scar down the side of his stomach. His whole body is like a giant sexy mystery I want to solve. What the fuck is wrong with me?. I swear the level of horny Charlie Todd makes me reach is unnatural.

"I said I would." I answer.

"Yes, you did." Charlie says standing a little closer.

He smells like chlorine and even on him it's sexy. Someone calls out to Charlie as the next race starts.

"I uh...I have to go." He says looking back at me.

"Sure. See you later?" I ask.

Charlie smiles again and it cuts away some of my nervous energy.

"Totally." He says and runs back to his practice.

My face is as hot as embers and I can feel eyes on me. I look up and everyone is staring at me asking themselves the same question. Why the hell would Charlie Todd talk to him?


Swim practice lasts about an hour or two. The entire time the eyes that were on me earlier don't leave. I feel like a white tiger in a zoo.

When it's finally over I try to go talk to Charlie but before I can try his friends swamp him and they walk out the door.

"Thank God that's over. Can we go now?" Dez asks.

"I actually kinda enjoyed that." Mandy says looking genuinely happy.

I smile and make peace with the fact that at least she enjoyed herself.

"Yeah. Lets go." I answer and we walk out in the hallway.

My phone rings as Dez starts asking Mandy about her old school. It's a text from Corey

Emergency. Meet me on the field please.

"Hey, I have to go somewhere real quick." I tell Mandy and Dez.

"Where?" Dez asks.

"Corey, he needs help or something. Take my keys and wait in the car." I toss Dez my keys.

"Cool." Dez says and he leaves with Mandy.

I walk over to the schools back door and turn towards the field.



By the time Alec shows up everyone else is gone. I lay back on the bench the pain in my chest making it hard for me to breathe. Alec walks up to me and his expression changes.

"Jesus. What happened to you?" He asks looking down at my blood and mud covered t shirt.

I point at my rugby gear next to me.

"The others guys on the team were a bit over enthusiastic during practice today." I answer.

Alec looks at me again and shakes his head.

"Of course they were. Because some extremely smart individual thought putting a bunch of hormonal boys together and allowing them to tackle each other was a good idea." He says putting his hand on my chest.

I winch in pain and back away from his touch.

"Sorry." He says checking the injuries on my face.

"It's not bad. Some bruising but nothings broken and I don't think there's any internal bleeding, you'll be sore for a few days but otherwise you're okay." He says putting on his serious future doctor face.

"Good. I have practice again tomorrow." I answer getting up.

Alec shakes his head and helps me to my feet. I put my arm over him and he supports me as I clutch my chest.

"You know I'm not actually a doctor, my dad is. So maybe we should ask him or go to a hospital before you give yourself a clean bill of health." Alec says.

I lean on him and we limp towards the parking lot together.

"I trust you." I answer.

"So you wanna tell me what happened?" He asks.

"I already did." I answer.

"Corey, you've been on the team forever and I haven't seen you this fucked up since you first signed up." Alec says.

I sigh.

"I was a bit...distracted." I answer.

I was actually a lot distracted. The whole game all I could think about was why Alec would want to go watch that fuck head Charlie practice. It distracted me, which left me open to so many tackles from some of my more muscular teammates.

"By what?" Alec asks.

"Nothing okay. Can you just take me home now." I spit avoiding his question.

"Fine." Alec says as we reach the car.


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