Zuma Goes For All He Knows On Paper

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While Zuma calmed down and had much needed help from Rex, he went into the hallway and thought what he was going to say to Rocky. Then he went to an office and saw a human lady working there and he said....

ZUMA: "Hello."

RECEPTIONIST: "Oh hi Zuma. How are you doing?"

ZUMA: "Uhh, I'm okay, but do you have paper and a pen? I need to write something to a friend."

RECEPTIONIST: "Oh sure, let me get back to you."

While Zuma was waiting, anxiety started coming back to him because he's thinking even though he will say it all on paper and not directly to Rocky, will Rocky still have a negative reaction, or will it be a positive reaction? The lady comes back and gives Zuma that paper and pen and Zuma thanked her and left. Zuma went to a quiet place outside to write. It took him a lot of time, heart, and thought, but after about 30 minutes, this is what Zuma wrote down in his letter to Rocky......

"Hi Rocky, It's Zuma, your best pal, I hope. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I have avoided you, I'm sorry that I have been distant from you, and I'm sorry that I left the movie. Over the years we have hung out and had great memories together, I care about you a lot, I don't want anything bad to happen to you, you always put a smile to my face everytime I see you and everytime you try to overcome your fear of water, it makes my tail wag because I know how much you struggle with that. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here, you're the only one that makes my life bearable and I would be lost if you weren't here. I like you a lot........ I guess I could say that I really like you.......... I would even dare to go a little further perhaps.......I ...... care a great deal about you........ a very great deal......maybe even...... deeper than that........ I...uhh........ I love you. Not like, lets get married or whatever people do when they are in love, but what I mean is, I love you, as one loves another person, who one simply cannot do without. You give my life purpose, and maybe......maybe that's enough...because...that's just about the greatist gift one friend can give another. I'm happy that you and Marshall are close, but I hope you feel that way about me too. Hope we can talk again soon Rocky. Love Zuma."

After Zuma took time, thought, and heart to write that letter to Rocky, he was so scared that Rocky might take it the wrong way, or not read it right, or reject anything he said, but Zuma tried to not think that at all because he knows it's not any of that. 

Zuma decided to go back into the theater room where all the pups were watching a very long movie. When he entered the room, he saw that a lot of the pups fell asleep and Zuma very quietly and slowly went over to Rocky's table which was next to Marshall's and put his letter there for Rocky. 

He was still nervous about the outcome but he tried to not think about it and he felt more confident to go back to the seat that was still empty next to Rocky and that Rocky had saved for him. 

When he arrived to the seat, he wasn't looking at Rocky and Marshall yet, but then when he sat down, he noticed they were very quiet, so he turned around and saw that Rocky and Marshall fell asleep on each other with Marshall laying on his back and Rocky laying right on top of him. Zuma once again was very upset when he saw that and got up and left in anger and rage. This time waking up all the pups including Rocky while Marshall was still sleeping. Rocky didn't realize he fell asleep on Marshall like that and he immeadiately got off of him. Rocky didn't know Zuma came back until he saw him leaving in anger again and Rocky had a good guess of why he did that. Rocky started to whimper and then talks to himself in his head.........

ROCKY IN HIS MIND: "Oh no! No no. Zuma, it's not what you thought it was! I didn't mean to fall asleep on Marshall like that. Oh, why can't you understand that what you see is not what you're thinking. You're the first pup I'm closest to Zuma. (starts to tear up) Ugh, this is what I get for not talking to him. I got to fix this."

Marshall then wakes up, missed what just happened and asked what happened.......

MARSHALL: "Woah, Rocky did we just have an earthquake? Did I miss something, theres stuff all over the floor. Did Zuma come back yet? Is he okay?"

ROCKY: "Hey Marshall, ummm...... I'm not sure what happened. I just.....uhh.....woke up too."

Marshall notices something is not right about Rocky.....

MARSHALL: "Are you okay Rocky? You look like you're crying."

ROCKY: "Oh umm, I think I hurt myself when this book fell on my paw. Owww."

Marshall found that hard to believe since there was no book down there and noticed Rocky was staring into space......

MARSHALL: "Are you sure Rocky? Please tell me whats wrong. I want to help. I'm worried about you."

ROCKY: (hesitant to tell Marshall the truth) "You wouldn't understand."

MARSHALL: "I can try."

ROCKY: (feeling pressure because it wasn't a good place to talk about it) "Uhhh....I have to go, I'll be right back okay buddy."

Marshall still not knowing what's going on until he eventually started to connect the puzzle and realized Zuma and Rocky have both been acting weird since they came here.


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