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A blast of energy shot out of an inky black cloud, and exploded as it made contact with the nearest object. And then... darkness again. And pain. And rushing wind. It was almost like falling... Because it was falling. Jay opened his eyes to see him falling off of the top of Borg Tower, but it was blurry, and it felt like it was happening in slow motion. He could almost make out his friends' voices calling out his name, but they weren't clear either. Jay couldn't feel or hear anything except for the wind. But then it stopped. Every thing stopped. It was dark, and quiet. Empty. He thought he felt a burst of pain for a second, but he didn't feel it any more. He didn't feel, hear or see... anything anymore. Just dark. Ninjago City was under major threat, an attack of galactical evil proportions. The ninja had ordered an evacuation of not just the city, but a good chunk of area around it. And through the chaos, a certain thief was trying to nab all the valuable things the residents had left behind. Ronin. He didn't care if it was someone's dropped wedding ring, or a cash register that a restaurant just so happened to leave unattended. He'd take it. And he did. At this point, he had an entire sack full of stolen treasures, and was about to make a break for R.E.X. (his airship) But right as he was about to call for it, something caught his attention. An explosion atop Borg Tower, and something that went flying off. It looked pretty big; possibly one of the ninja's weapons? That could be worth a pretty penny if that was the case. And Ronin DOES NOT pass up on anything even remotely rare, so he ran to the direction of the objects landing spot. It didn't take him long to get there, and it took even less time to realize that it wasn't a sword that fell off the tower- it was Jay. The master thief stood in shock at what he had just found. "It's... It's that kid. But how did?-" Ronan trailed off as he stared down at the child. He hesitated at first, but he slowly inched closer to take a better look. "Oh, please don't tell me that's all blood..." he got closer. *sigh* "Ya. It is." Jay was covered in blood, and his clothes were all torn. That implied that he partly tumbled down the pile of ruble. Not just fell straight down and hit the sidewalk. Either way, Jay was dead. There was no possible way for him to survive a fall and tumble like that. Ronin was practically hovering over the ninja, probably thinking about checking his pockets for change or something. What? A dead man doesn't need that $1.50 anymore. What's he gonna do? Buy a soda? Just as he reached down to check, something out of a miracle happened. Jay gasped and opened his eyes. Only a sliver, but noticeable enough to terrify Ronin into falling back onto his butt.
"You- y- you're alive?!?" he said in a panic. Jay just lied there completely out of it. He didn't know why, but Ronin felt terrible for him. He liked to act all big and tough, like he only cared about himself, but this time... it was so weird. So difficult to keep up the act. It was strange, something it Ronin's head was screaming at him to help him. A voice. One that just kept getting louder. Ronin tried to ignore it, looking away from Jay. But he broke and looked down at the wounded ninja. Jay looked like he was dying. Then Ronin's gaze met with Jay's. And there was something he couldn't ignore further... a small spark in his eyes. It was the look of begging for help. He could tell Jay was in a lot of pain, and the look in his eyes- Ronin didn't know what in the world he was about to do, but he knew he had to do it. "Ugh! FINE!" The thief whistled for R.E.X as he picked up Jay. The air ship came rocketing over from a distant rooftop. Jay gave one final look up at Ronin, and then everything went black.

4 years later...
Ninjago had fallen into ruin. Not just the city, but the entire area around it. The great beast the ninja were fighting in the beginning of this story, Doom, had at one point let out a massive shockwave. It was almost like it had summoned all the plants to grow the city over, and when you try to rip them out, they just grow back stronger. Whatever that being was, had fled not long after its attack. However, it had left behind minions. Wyverns. Dragon like creatures that raided the city and destroyed all who stood in their way. These beasts were relentless, and were the cause of many deaths. Most citizens had evacuated, and if not, they were destroyed. Regardless of the state of the world, there were some people who still refused to fall. People who lived on.

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