Albedo x Reader Royal AU

860 23 2

Genre| Fluff
Requested by| fandomstreak1
It was a bit difficult to write this, Idk why though, maybe cuz I haven't written in some time, but here it is~

The air was crisp, but not too cold, making the wind a bit stronger than normal.
The night was clear and you could clearly see the stars.
A breeze gently blew through your hair as you stood on a bridge in the middle of town, gazing at the view below.
You had been here for quite a while and it was getting late.

You were just about to turn around when someone grabbed your hand tightly, pulling you closer so that you were pressed against them from behind. Their arms wrapped themselves around you, resting their chin on top of your head. They placed a soft kiss right above your ear.

"Good evening, my Prince/ss."
They spoke softly into your ear causing shivers to run down your spine.
Your cheeks instantly flushed pink and you tried to hide the smile forming on your face.
You looked up at the man holding you, looking into his beautuful turquoise colored eyes.
They were filled with adoration and love.

Holding you in his embrace, was none other than your secret lover, Albedo Kreideprinz.
He was a very well known and trusted painter and alchemist.
You were the Prince/ss of Mondstadt and regularly sneaked out to get some alone time with him.
Now, the reason why you had to keep it secret was because of one simple thing.

Despite his name, Albedo wasn't a Prince himself...sure, your parents trusted him, as he did countless of paintings for them in the past,
but if they were to find out that you, the Prince/ss, fell in love and were dating a 'mere painter and alchemist' who had no royal background whatsoever...
it wouldn't end well for the both of you...especially Albedo.

"What brings you out on such a fine evening?" you asked him.
His gaze never left yours.
His lips curled into a small smile before his lips brushed against yours.
"Just couldn't wait to see you again, my love..." he whispered before pulling you back against his chest.
He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.

"I've missed you so much..."
That caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
You smiled, closing your eyes as you rested your cheek against his chest.

After a moment or two, you felt his arm wrap around you tighter, almost as if he was afraid you would disappear.
"It pains me that we have to keep our love hidden," he sighed.
You opened your eyes, glancing over at him as you gave him a sad smile.
You let go of the hug, before holding his hand in yours, taking in the beauty of the night once more.

Neither one of you said anything else for awhile, simply enjoying the quiet. The occasional chirping of crickets breaking the silence.
The warm summer breeze caressing your skin.
The two of you stayed like that for hours until you heard an familiar voice, it was one of the Knights who have noticed you sneaked out.

Quickly, Albedo distanced himself from you.
You turned towards him, giving him a sad smile.
He nodded slowly at you, giving you a comforting smile.

"My prince/ss, you should return inside," the Knight stated.
"My Prince/ss, may I ask what your business with him might be?"
You quickly thought about a reason as to why you were meeting up with didn't want anyone, especially the Knights to know that you two have been secretly courting each other for months now.
You glanced over at Albedo, who had his eyes still set on you.

"We'll discuss the details of the painting later then." You turned your head towards the Knight.
"I went out for a walk and when I encountered our talented painter here, I just had to request a painting to be done for me, you know how much of a fan I am of his work, I couldn't simply let this opportunity slide away!"

He seemed to accept what you had said, but the frown that appeared on his face was still there.
"Alright, I will inform his Majesty about it, but for now, you should come back inside my Prince/ss.
I advise you to stop taking such late walks at night, you're going to catch a cold. Now please, follow me."

Once the Knight started to walk forwards,
you quickly looked back at Albedo, who gave you a small smile and whispered to you:
"Goodnight my love~".
With that, you followed your Knight back to the palace, while walking, you found yourself staring back at the bridge were Albedo stood a few moments ago...

It may seemed impossible, but something in your heart just knew that you two would be able to live out your love openly one matter how long it might take your parents to accept him, because he was your true love and the only Prince you would ever want to have  by your side.


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