Venti x Reader

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Hello~ I was at the carnival with my family today and I thought, why not write an x reader?
This is your first date with Venti, at the carnival, enjoy~💕

Standing at the entrance, you saw the carnival bustling with life,  people laughing and having fun.
The smell of fresh cotton candy, popcorn and fried foods filled your nose as you stared into the huge space full of attractions.
Your heart started to flutter, a small giddy smile forming on your face as you stared in wonderment; Venti beign right beside you, holding your hand.

He gently squeezed it, making you blush slightly.
A soft laugh coming from him made your face turn even redder and you quickly looked down at the floor.
You couldn't help but feel his warm gaze staring into your eyes and you felt that warmth spread throughout your body.
"Hey, you okay there~?" Venti asked, chuckling, before he pulled his hand away.
Before you could even respond, his hand wrapped around yours again as he led you further inside the crowd.

"Are you excited to go on the rides?!" He yelled over the blaring music, pulling you along to where everyone else was rushing to.
You nodded, trying to match his pace and keeping up with his longer stride.
After what seemed like years of being pulled by the hand, he finally stopped outside of two rollercoasters. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
You're pretty sure you've never been on roller coasters before...
"What's wrong?" He asked you, looking worried.

"I'm not really sure..." You muttered.
"Oh, well come on!" He grabbed your hand and began running towards one of the smaller rollercoaster cars.
His laughter ringing out loud in the air, you let yourself get dragged across the hard surface of the concrete ground, following after his retreating form.

Once you arrived at the small car, he hopped inside and patted the seat next to him.
Taking your seat he buckled you in before doing the same himself.
"If you're scared, you can hold onto me, I don't mind~"
Venti,  of course, would have a way with words; you smiled softly as you leaned closer, pressing yourself against him.

The ride was fun and you both went on a lot more attractions, your fear of some of them, beign replaced by pure joy and anticipation.

As much as you enjoyed the rides, there were still many others you wanted to see.
After hours upon hours of rollercoaster rides, and lots of eating cotton candy, your stomach grumbled loudly, making both of you burst into laughter.
You had decided that it was time for food, so, taking each others hands once more, you walked to a stand, bought you two lunch and continued through the carnival until you slowly reached the end.

The sun was setting now and everything around you glowed a beautiful gold.
"I want to go on the Ferris wheel!" You exclaimed happily, already heading for the line of passengers.

Venti chuckled at your enthusiasm, but didn't argue against it when you gave him an expectant look.
After getting in line, you followed the woman who took your tickets, walking side by side, holding hands.
The sun cast shadows across the fairgrounds and they danced in different colors, making the whole place seem magical.

"So what did you think about our first date? Did you have fun today?" Venti broke the silence between the both of you; his voice sending shivers down your spine.
His hand resting lightly on top of yours, his gaze unwavering.
"Yeah! It was fun. Thank you." You replied quietly.
He smiled brightly at you, squeezing your hand.
"I was glad you liked it!
Maybe we can do this again sometime~." He winked at you playfully.
You returned his playful expression. "Definitely."

The ferris wheel was now on its highest point.
You were looking at the scenery beneath you, trying to make sense of the large group of children, teenagers and adults who seemed to be enjoying themselves. You turned your head slightly to look back at Venti, who was staring intently at you. You giggled softly, feeling his fingers lace in with yours.

Venti began to move closer  to you, leaning forward a little bit. His breath tickled the shell of your ear, sending goosebumps up your arm.
His lips barely grazed your skin, sending chills up your spine and causing you to jump slightly.
Venti moved back a bit, giving you an apologetic look.
"Sorry.. I should've warned you..." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

You shook your head, smiling warmly up at him.
"No, it's fine! It just caught me off guard..."
"Okay." He smiled, placing a light kiss on your cheek before turning his attention back to the view below, his thumb caressing the top of your hand.
It felt... nice to have someone care for you.

To love you, not only as a friend.

The day was reaching its end and you both made your way back home, before you both parted ways and called it a day, he took you into an embrace.
"Goodnight (Y/N)~ I'll see you tomorrow!" He spoke softly, giving your hand a gentle kiss.
Your cheeks flushed, you couldn't believe how happy you were feeling.

Smiling sweetly at Venti, you whispered "Night" as you pulled him in for one last hug, before you guys' parted ways, and went home....


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