Kazuha x Reader

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You and Kazuha were taking a walk on the beach. It was a beautiful day, clear blue skies and gentle winds. The sun shone down brightly, making it hard to look up at it.  There was nothing more beautiful than the ocean, especially in the sunset. A few rays of light fell upon you as well, but most of them disappeared soon after. It was still very early in the morning, so all you could hear were the waves crashing against one another.

As your feet dragged along the sand  you listened to him reciting his new poems to you. You couldn't help smiling at him while he was talking.  His voice had this wonderful quality about it, almost hypnotic. Your eyes never left him, as if they would be drawn away by some force. Every time he looked over at you a smile crept onto his face and you felt your heart melt...

He looked back at you, and you quickly averted your gaze and pretended to listen intently to your toes as you kept walking. He laughed lightly, clearly amused by what he saw. You blushed, hoping that you didn't look too suspicious.
You see...you were really good friends with him, but over time you developed romantic feelings and...it's been really hard to not make it too obvious.

It has gotten so difficult though, because even when you're alone, your thoughts always seem to turn towards him...
You were so happy to have him as a friend yet...you constantly ask yourself if he would hold the same feelings for you...
He was was so good at hiding what he's thinking or feeling...it was difficult reading him.

Even worse...he knew you so well...he could tell just from looking at you if you were lying or not. And every time he did that you always seemed to lose your nerve and try to change the subject...
His overly observant nature just made it that much more nerve-wracking to try and hide your feelings from him...
Does he know already? You just couldn't figure it out.

And now you're asking yourself: Do I want him to know?
You can't deny how much you've grown to rely on him in the past years you've known eachother. You both share a bond together you don't think either of you will ever get tired of. But then again...


You decided to not dwell on it any longer.
You are going to confess.
You're gonna do it.

Just not right now!

"You know (y/n)  you're being awfully quiet. Is something bothering you?" He pointed out, breaking the silence between you.
"Sorry I guess I'm just lost in thought," you mumbled, trying to hide the fact that you were actually nervous about telling him about your crush.

You took a deep breath, "I just..." You paused before continuing, "Do you mind if we sit somewhere else for a bit?" You asked, pointing behind you, where the bench you were sitting on earlier was. He nodded slowly, and followed suit.
You sat down, pulling your knees close to your chest. After a few seconds, you turned to look at him. "Hey, um, Kazuha?" you began, and waited until he gave you his full attention. Then, you went on, "I just wanted to let you know...that I like you."

You took a deep breath, waiting for him to respond. When he didn't you continued, "Like...Romantically."
There was a small pause in which you expected him to start laughing, teasing you or just rejecting you in a nice way. What you got instead wasn't what you expected.
Instead, he smiled softly and placed a hand on yours.

You immediately tensed up from the contact, but you relaxed once you realized that there were no malicious intentions in it.
Then, he leaned forward until his forehead was resting against yours.
For a moment you stared into his eyes, and you wondered what exactly you were supposed to say next. Your mind ran blank, you were frozen in place, unsure of whether you should pull away or stay put. All you could do was watch his beautiful, deep red eyes. It was mesmerizing, you were embarrassed but you found yourself unable to tear your gaze away.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, both wondering what you'd do next.

Your eyes widened slightly when he closed the distance between the two of you. He moved closer so that he could press his lips against yours. They barely touched, but you felt a spark go through your whole body. The way he held you was so gentle...as if you were made out of glass and he was was afraid of breaking you.

He pulled away and you could faintly feel tears forming in your eyes as he smiled softly.
"You didn't need to tell me, but I'm glad you did." he said.
Before you knew what you were doing, you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in the crook of his neck.

You breathed in his scent, savoring it like it was the last thing you'd ever breathe in. Tears began falling from your eyes, and he noticed this.
"Is something wrong?"
You shook your head, and sniffled. "Nope, I just...I feel really great right now." You whispered.
He chuckled and rubbed circles into the small of your back. "I'll make sure it stays that way then."
You lifted your head up to meet his gaze.

He pressed his lips gently against yours once more. This kiss lasted longer than the last one. He pulled away first, leaving a sweet sensation lingering on your lips.
After the two of you rested your foreheads against each other, Kazuha looked down at you, his eyes filled with affection and care.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded slowly, wiping your tears away. He reached his hand up to tuck a stray hair behind your ear.
"I love you (y/n)."
This time, you initiated the embrace, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his chest. "I love you too..."


I love him so much 😭
I'm gonna pull for him and I swear if he doesn't come home-
Good luck to anyone who's pulling for him as well~

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