"No, but I want to be there when she's found. I can help calm her down." I say to the cops, they shake there heads no.

"Sorry, but we can't put your life endanger." Bling.

John: The cops can't help you

"He just messaged me," I say and show them the phone. She takes the phone from and hand.

"We might be able to trace it." She says and walks to there car. I jog to catch up. "Got him, let's go." I see the address on the phone. "You'll be notified when we find her." He says and speeds away. If only you new. That was too easy, he's smarter than that. What's by there, I say to myself. There's the old machine place. I run to my truck and start driving.

Anna's P.O.V. 

He grabs me and pulls me out of the car. I try to break free but he slaps me. "Stop struggling or your going to make it worse for your self."

"The cops will find me." I spit out.

"No, they won't because they're going to the wrong place." He says and shoves me into a room. What if no one finds me? I can't go through this again. I run to a corner and curling into a ball. I can't go through this again, I can't go through this again. I kept saying to myself.

Matt's P.O.V.

I pull up to the old building. I can hear the cops a few miles away. How could they think it was so easy? I get out of my truck and run into the building. "Anna?" I yell. There's no response. Where could she be? 

"Hey cousin, how are you?" I freeze in my tracks.

"Where is she?" I ask and turn around to see my cousin standing there. Who could he be so cruel to her?

"She's fine." He says stepping forward.

"How could you hurt her like that?" I ask trying to get closer to him.

"She brought it on her self. If she would just liste-"

"No, you never hurt someone to get your way," I say getting angrier.

"If you only knew." He says and swings a punch at me and I block it easily. He forgot I was also taught how to fight. "Nice block let's see if you remember everything we were taught."

"I have, trust me."

Anna's P.O.V

I hear noises. I think people are fighting. I want to run, but I'm stuck in this spot. Then I hear his voice. Matt. What's he doing here? Anna get up, go help, but I can't, I can't. My body won't work to matter how hard I try to stand.

Matt's P.O.V.

I get up and grab a poll. He swings at me, but I move back and then slam the poll on his head. He falls to the floor. I throw the metal poll on the ground and yell for Anna. I text the police and then hear crying. I run trying to figure out where she is. I turn one more corner I see her in a ball at the corner saying she can't do it. "Anna," I whisper. She doesn't move. I pick her up and start walking out of the building when the police come running in. They go past me and to John. I knocked him out pretty good though, they're going to have to wait to talk to him.

"Kid, come here." I hear the cops voice. "Didn't we tell you not to go and try to help."

"Yes, but she's my friend and-"

The girl cop interrupts me. "We know, just bring her to the ambulance." She says pushing me to move. Once we get into the ambulance they take her from my arms and put her on the bed.

"Excuse me, sir, can you look at me and tell me where you got hurt?" One of them asks. I didn't realize the blood on my shirt and face or the pain that I have in three places until she says that.

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