Chapter Nine:Confused

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Lincoln stared at his younger sister in shock. It wasn't like he wasn't happy to see her face to face, but more like he was shocked to see her here. Not to mention that it would cause the rest of his family, unfortunately, to panic and try to track her down. 

"Lincoln!" Lily said as she ran over and hugged him. He hugged her back and smiled down at her. It was nice to be able to physically touch her once again while not being watched and mocked by his other sisters. Shaking his head, he needed to address some of the more pressing matters due to Lily's arrival. 

"How did this happen?" Lincoln asked Michael and Izuku. They both looked at each other before Michael sighed. 

"Another portal opened up in your dimension. Luckily, it seems like your sister was the only one near it or she would be stuck with the rest of your family." Michael said. 

"What did they do now?" Lincoln asked. 

"According to Lily, they blamed each other for your disappearance and often fight among each other. Your parents don't even try to stop it which would be unbelievable if you didn't tell us about it." Izuku said. 

"They never learn, but that's not the issue. Right now, they will probably notice Lily's disappearance and try to use that hidden microchip that my sister implanted inside all of us." Lincoln said. Once Lily heard that, she let go of her brother and stared at him with large eyes.

"Lisa, did what?" Lily said with a surprised tone in her voice. Lincoln sighed and started to tell his sister about the hidden microchips that their sister placed inside them. As he did, CC was back in his room trying to play Uno. Normally, he would place all of his attention to his game, but his interaction with the mysterious Michael still played out in his head.

He seemed familiar to him and he only knew one person who was called that. No. That couldn't be right. If that were true then he let his brother go without even recognizing that it was him at the time. 

"Chris? It's your turn." Nightmare said.

"Oh sorry. Just thinking..." CC said.

"Is it about your brother again?" Goldie said.

"Yeah. I think...I met him again, but I let him get away." CC said.

"What do you mean by that?" Nightmare said.

"I didn't recognize him. Not to mention that he was being monitored by a green haired man who wanted to keep me from remembering him." CC said.

"Green hair? You don't think...." Goldie started to say until CC interrupted.

"What? You know him?" CC said.

"Maybe. We haunted and killed lots of children back in the day. In fact, you were the last Afton to get haunted by us." Nightmare said shocking CC.

"Who were the first two?" CC asked.

"Oh. We haunted Michael and his older brother." Goldie said.

"Older brother? I thought Michael was the oldest out of all three of us." CC said.

"That isn't exactly true. Michael is the second oldest while the oldest was...." Nightmare said before pausing.

"Was?" CC asked before Goldie started to talk again.

"Did you forget Nightmare? The oldest Afton kid is Izuku." Goldie said which shocked CC to the core. There was another Afton? If so, then why didn't he know about it?

"Izuku?" Chris said.

"Yes, his name is Izuku Afton and he and Michael were close. He always protected his brother and made sure to keep him happy. Mainly cause of William's neglect and Clara's work becoming busier." Nightmare said.

"So you killed...." Chris started to say before Goldie interrupted him.

"Sigh...this was bound to come out sooner or later, but one of the brothers did get killed by Nightmare Foxy and possessed him. They still possess him, but we have a feeling like something else happened to the person who controls Nightmare Foxy." Goldie said.

"There's so many questions running in my head by that information that you gave me, but we have to think about that later." Chris said.

"Fine, but you should prepare to tell this to the rest of your family if they learn of these developments." Nightmare said.

"I'm dreading it, but we need to turn our attention to finding Mikey and figuring out what happened to him while we were separated." Chris said. Goldie and Nightmare nodded along to this and hoped that they will find Micheal soon before anyone else gets to him first. 

At the same time.... one of the boys got killed before all of this madness. How interesting.

Hope you enjoy the chapter...Bye 👋

The Missing Aftonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें