Don't Leave Me

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Sam laughed. " Can you please tell Katrina..." he said.

" Whatever you need to tell her, you're gonna tell her yourself," Colby interrupted. Colby could hear the sirens in the distance.

"I'm glad you' me," said Sam.

" I'll always be here," said Colby, grasping Sam's hand tightly. Tears had started rolling down Colby's face.

Sam smiled and suddenly slipped out of consciousness. This time his eyes didn't open again. The paramedics suddenly arrived, they quickly rushed down to the two boys, followed by Larray and Manny. The paramedics were able to get Sam to the ambulance and they did everything they could to help him. Colby quickly gave his keys to Manny and Larray. They would drive his car and meet them at the hospital while he rode with Sam in the ambulance. He also told them to see if they could get a hold of Kat, to let her know what happened.

Colby watched in tears as the paramedics attempted to cover Sam's wound. His blood stained several cloths and bandages. He still hadn't woke up.

" Don't leave me," said Colby in tears. " Don't you leave me, Sam."

Once they reached the hospital, Sam was immediately rushed into the ER. Colby was suddenly stopped by another doctor. Colby was still really shaken up. The doctor attempted to calm him down, got a statement from him and then had him wash up. He shuddered as he washed Sam's blood off of his hands.

He met Manny, Larray and Katrina in the waiting room. Kat was in tears, and Colby gently hugged her. They had waited several hours for any news about Sam. It reached a point where Colby and Kat were the only ones left in the hospital. Manny and Larray had decided to return home, but asked Colby to text them as soon as he got an update. He promised that he would.

Colby was pacing up and down the waiting room, while Katrina sat quietly crying in one of the chairs. She shot a glance towards Colby.

"Can you please stop that?" asked Kat. "It's not helping."

" I'm sorry," said Colby. " I'm just nervous."

Colby could feel Kat's gaze on him. He stopped and looked at her. She was staring at him.

"What's wrong?" asked Colby.

" Do you know how many times Sam has gotten hurt exploring with you?" asked Kat.

" I've lost count," said Colby.

" I have too," said Kat. " Does that not bother you at all?"

Colby shot her a confused gaze. " What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

" Nothing," said Kat.

" No Kat, if there's something you want to say, then say it," said Colby, defensively.

Katrina looked at him, Colby couldn't tell if it was hurt or anger on her face. Maybe both.

" You're his best friend, you're supposed to look out for him," explained Kat. " Yet, every single time you're together, he gets hurt."

" You think I don't feel bad about that?" asked Colby. "I do, everytime."

" If you feel bad, why do you keep letting it happen?" she asked angrily.

" I never, ever want Sam to get hurt," said Colby raising his voice. " How could you think that?"

" How many times does he have to get hurt under your watch?" asked Kat angrily. She stood to face Colby. "You should've tried harder to stop him from going across! You knew it was dangerous and you still let him do it! I thought you cared about him!! You're supposed to protect him!!"

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