When you run into your ex/ex crush

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Now that Luffy was my fiancé we both needed to prepare for our wedding

The preparations weren't going fast since we still have a big time span we could get married in

We went back to my home town to tell my parents the great news and stay there for a little

Today we decided to get cupcakes and eat them as a little celebration snack

We got my favourite flavour and took them down to the beach found the perfect spot

"Y/N is that you?" I heard a voice, when I turned to look at who it was, I saw the stupid man that left me to rot after he cheated on me

"Oh hey ex/n I didn't expect to see you ever again..." I rolled my eyes "Yeah I actually saw your wanted poster and I thought you looked great"

My eye twitched "Well yeah... being a Straw hat is the best" I grabbed Luffy's hand and looked at him for help

"Hey can you please leave Y/N alone" he moved more in front of me to hide me from ex/n

"Listen here straw hat, just because you're Y/N's captain doesn't mean you can get in the way of our relationship!" He pushed Luffy to the side

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked as I was really quickly losing my patience

"I realized that I wanted you the whole time" he tried to grab me before Luffy punched him in the face

"Leave my wife alone!" I blushed at Luffy's statement "It's actually fiancé hun" I covered my face

"Same thing" he shrugged it off "Either way you leave her alone!"

"Y/N! Your getting married to this idiot when you can have me!? You made a terrible mistake"

Ex/N brushed the sand off him and stormed off, Luffy hugged me "Don't worry about him anymore... I'm here to protect my wife"

"Fiancé..." "Same thing"

Zoro and I were out shopping and he was carrying me since we didn't actually buy anything

I was on his back and I occasionally gave him kisses on his head and neck

Zoro eventually bumped into someone because of me distracting him, I looked at who it was and it was my ex boyfriend!

Ex/n looked at us and scoffed "Y/N it's been a while, I bet you've felt terrible after what you did to me"

"Zoro honey, can you let me down?" Zoro let me down "Actually I completely forgot about you"

I was lying, of course I remember him! After what he tried to do! There's no way and hell I could forget him!

"You must be her new boy toy huh? Be careful, she might stab you like she did to me"

Zoro did nothing but roll his eyes "I did that for a good reason" "I did nothing wrong!"

He grabbed my wrist "Trying to assault me is definitely something wrong you dim whit!"

Zoro pulled out his sword "What did you do to my fiancé?"

Ex/N jumped back "You're really ready to kill me over some stupid woman!?"

"She's my stupid woman and I advise leaving now before I have your head!"

Ex/n scurried off

"Let's go back to the ship babe, we can talk about what he did while we cuddle" I smiled "Thank you for caring about me, Zoro"

"Anything for my girl" I pecked him on the lips and he picked me up, he carried me back to the ship

Sanji and I were taking a long break away from the crew to go to the Baratie and tell his pops the news

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