The wedding

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You guys had a wedding on the beach. You guys invited all of the friends he's made while looking for the One Piece. Sanji made sure he dressed nice. The highlight of the wedding was him not knowing what the vows were and didn't write any.

You guys had your wedding on the Sunny. The only guests were the Straw hats. Zoro never wanted to admit it but he cried when he saw you in your wedding dress but he looked away. After the wedding you guys took another ship to your honeymoon location. The highlight of the wedding was him bragging to Sanji that he got you and Sanji didn't.

Sanji planned and elaborate wedding in castle! He made sure to keep all his perverted thoughts far away until after the wedding. He planned a firework show and held you close while watching. The highlight of the wedding was him getting his friends from the Baratie to do the catering and Zeff being so proud of him.

You and Ace had a private wedding at the church. It wasn't really necessary to have a wedding but you guys invited your new friends you've made since the old one's believes he's dead. He cried the entire time and kept saying "You're so beautiful! I don't know how I got so lucky!".
The highlight of the wedding was Dadan finding out Ace was alive and showing up, Ace was an emotional mess and she was so proud of him.

You had your wedding in a flower garden with a beautiful pond nearby. He dressed all fancy and it made him insecure but after the "You may kiss the bride" you couldn't stop giving him kisses and complimenting him to get his self esteem up. The highlight of the wedding was him catching you before you were about to fall in the pond.

You guys had a wedding on the beach like Luffy on the island that you're from. Kid was being extremely obnoxious like always. His vows were good but he then showed you off like a trophy wife. The highlight of the wedding was you shoving his face in the fake cake while he thought it was the real one.

You guys had a small wedding with his crew and your family and close friends. You had the wedding in your hometown. He got really excited about opening the champagne. The highlight of the wedding was it raining and you could just sit there and laugh with him as he used his jacket to protect your dress.
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