When you wake him up in the morning

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Luffy is quite the heavy sleeper and it's funny

I tried to get but Luffy wouldn't let go of me, it's like no time has passed but I really need to get up

I tried to wiggle myself out of his arms but that only made him turn so he was laying down on-top of me

'Great' time for plan B, I started tickling him! He started moving around

"Noooo! Stop! Hahaha! I don't want to get up!" I continue to tickle him

"Y/N please let me sleep!" He opened one eye and I smiled at him "Can you please let me go? I'll stop if you do~"

He grabbed me tighter "I rather be tickled then give up your cuddles... I haven't had them in so long"

I sigh "Fine I'll give you ten more minutes before I have to get up"

Luffy let me get up but after breakfast but other then that we spent the entire day cuddling

So basically you can't wake him up properly

I fell asleep on top of Zoro when we were cuddling on the dock of the ship

Since Zoro couldn't get up while I was sleeping, he passed out as well

When I opened my eyes I saw him snoring while have a strong grip on me just like before we passed out

I smile at him and I kiss his cheek, he opened on of his eyes

"What was that for? I don't mind but it would have been better if I were fully awake for that"

He smirked "You were awake? If I know that I wouldn't have done that" I blushed

He lifted my face to look at him in the eyes "Well now I'm awake and it's all your fault"

I swear he's evil sometimes

Sanji over worked himself today and fell asleep in the kitchen after cleaning up

He looked so peaceful and I just found myself looking at him for at least a minute

I left and came back with a blanket and a book for myself

I wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and I sat next to him

I read and waited for him to wake up, also his hand was on the table so I'd hold his hand too

After 2 years and a half of living with Ace I still can't wake him up properly

He falls asleep looking the opposite direction of me but somehow every night he ends up hugging me lovingly

Kiss his forehead and I wiggle out of his arms, I went to get some breakfast ready for us

Ace still eats a lot so I have to make quite a bit before he wakes up

As I was setting out the food I feel arms wrap around my waist "Did you do all this for me? Must be my lucky day" he kisses me and sits down

"Thank you for the breakfast babe!" He smiles and starts eating

I love mornings with Ace, it's always so peaceful

Law slept over and stayed on the sofa in the living room

I asked him why he insisted on sleeping there and his response was "I don't want you to think I'm one of those guys"

It's funny because I would never think that of him

I snuck into the living room to see if he was awake and surprisingly he was

He was looking around my living room and was reading a book from the bookshelf

"Some of these books are good but most of them are all fake..."
Hi sorry this was rushed but I was thinking of starting a Tokyo Revengers boyfriend scenarios so comment if you'd like to see that :)

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