When they meet your parents

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This chapter is recommended by Keigos_Bitch_ so I hope I did this chapter justice

Also I've never had this happen to me so I'm just guessing how awkward it would be... actually I've never had a boyfriend...

Anyways! Onto the chapter

We went back to my island because I got a message saying that my ex found out about Luffy and I

We told everyone to stay on the ship until our dinner was done

Brook tried to join by saying that he was going to play us the best music to make a impression

I told him to stay at the ship but I thanked him for the kind gesture

Luffy went in there like a boss, he was his normal goofy self and my parents loved his personality! Didn't like his appetite though

Luffy made quite the impression but they did think he was a little stupid, this made me giggle a little

Theses just one thing we didn't say... that we're both pirates

When dinner was done Luffy and I got ready to go back to ship "Y/N, he's such a good boy and so much better then your ex"

I hugged him and smiled at my parents "I know right! If we ever sail around here we'll come pay you a visit"

They tilted their head "Sail?"

My eyes widened "Oh would you look at the time! See you bye!"

It was a normal day and Zoro and I were going shopping for some new weapons

My feet started hurting so Zoro carried me on his back and we went for dinner

We sat there and talked about anything that came to mind before I heard a female voice say "Y/N? Is that you?"

I turned to the woman and I saw that it was my mom "Ahh! M-mom what are you doing here!?"

This lead to a entire conversation between me and my mom and we both forgot that Zoro was there

After the three of us ate we decided to part ways "Oh yeah, who is the man your with Y/N?"

She asked "Oh this is my boyfriend Zoro!" I said happily

"Wait! You have a boyfriend!?"

Sanji actually arranged the entire thing, he cooked the dinner and made the ship look like a fancy restaurant

"..." I looked down "What is it my swan?" He asked "I just haven't seen my parents in a little while"

He rubbed my shoulders "It's going to be fine... just relax my love"

The night went well because Sanji did most of the talking, needless to say, my parents loved him

As my parents returned home, Sanji and I watched them leave and I was holding onto his arm

"So why did you plan this Sanji?"

"Oh I just wanted to know my mother and father in law"

We planned a little get together with my parents and we were go to sail out to them

Ace has been a little anxious this whole trip, at one point he went to our room and didn't come back

Once I finally greeted my parents I went to get Ace

I walked in and I saw him walking back and forth so many times he didn't even notice me

"Hey honey... are you okay" I ask as I wrapped my arms around his waist

"Yeah I just want to make a good impression" he hugged me "Don't worry... they will love you"

He smiled before I looked up to kiss him

Everything went fine, he was the fun and outgoing Ace that I fell in love with

My parents thought that he was amazing, they even had the audacity to ask "So when are the grandkids coming?"

Since Law was living with me for a short time it's only natural that my dad found out that I had a boyfriend

We had a very awkward dinner at a restaurant, it was mostly silent before my dad said "I don't like you" to Law

My eyes shot out of its sockets "To be honest sir, I don't like you either"

I just sat there with my mouth hanging open "You deserve someone else Y/N! He looks like a hobo and barely has any respect"

I looked down before I heard law get up "You're daughter is a full grown adult and she doesn't need her old man telling her what to do and what not to do!"

"Sorry Y/N but I can't stay here so I'll just pay and leave" He did just that and then walked out

"You don't need someone like that sweetheart"

I got up "Actually I do!" I said as I ran out to look for Law

We went home and enjoyed cuddling until we both passed out

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