You join their crew

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After Luffy panics about loosing his ship

"Hey slow breathing! If your friends saw you go over bored then they are probably on the way"

He paused "Oh yeah you have a point"

The boat by the name of Sunny slowly appears in the horizon

"Oh there's my crew! Come hold onto me" he said and I blushed while saying "ok"

He stretched his arm far enough to reach the ship and it sent us flying

"Luffy! We thought you died when you went over!" The little raccoon dog thing said

"Haha! Yeah I thought so to but this girl ended saving me" he said with a big smile

"Um hi I'm Y/N nice to meet you guys"

The all blinked for a second "Luffy how did you manage to find such a hot girl!"

Luffy laughed "I already told you Sanji, she saved me from drowning, Oh and she's also joining the crew"

"Hey it good to have another girl join, hi I'm Nami and this is Robin" the introduced herself

" Oh nice to meet you"

"Haha she's getting along with you guys! Now Sanji when is the food ready!"

"It's not even dinner time idiot!"
This is going to be interesting

"So Y/N do you also love food? I love meat! It's so good"

Yeah I liked food but for that to be a opening topic "Yeah I like food, personally I don't think I'll eat as much as you though"

Luffy grabbed on my hand and pulled on it "Come on let's go to the kitchen!"

I pulled on Zoro's arm "Hey I didn't catch your name" he said

"I didn't throw it" {Heather's reference} I giggled

He looks annoyed "It's Y/N, Y/N L/N"

"Nice name" "Thanks" I continued walking until we made it to the docks "Ok here we are" I said and began to walk away

Zoro grabbed onto my arm "Wait what if I need directions later?"

I looked him in the eyes "I'm sure you can find someone else to do it"

I started walking away again but he came over and picked me up

"What are you doing!?" He paused "I am forcefully making you join our crew"

"Why? Just so you won't get lost again?" I said in a annoyed tone

"Yes now please just agree, it's harder if you don't" I paused

I mean what do I have to lose?  I'm always out training and I life by myself

"Ok, fine" I said as I stopped moving "Hey Zoro what do you have there?" A girls voice asked

"Um my swords?" He responded "No not that!"

He finally clued in "Oh this is Y/N and she is my new map, I'm going to ask Luffy if she can come with us"

"Oh hi Y/N, I'm Nami, please don't trust Zoro he's a little weird"

I chuckled "Yeah I know" he got on and put me down lightly "So is Luffy here?" Zoro asked Nami

She's thought for a second "No I don't think so" Zoro proceeded to sit on the floor and take a nap

He cares so much

After we get pulled up by the man's crew I grabbed onto him even tighter

"We'll damn I never expected a beautiful woman to just pop out of no where and make my day better"

He was blushing and his kind words made me blush as well

"Sanji! Now isn't the time! She almost died and your here flirting!" Said the girl with the orange hair

"Yeah curly eyebrows" the guy with the green hair said

He rolled his eyes "So what happened to you cutie?"

"I snuck on board that ship but when they found me they through me over board"

"Hey it's ok... how about you stick us beautiful? I'll make you some food ok? I'm actually the best chef so I bet I can cheer you up"

This guy is very kind but very flirtatious and it creepy
I sat at the diner table 'This man I'd going to kill me'

"Hey Y/N need help with anything at the moment? I know that was one of your requests" he asked as he walked right past me and opened the fridge

"Yeah, can you please stop eating for one minute!?" He looks shocked and he closed the fridge

"Oh sorry... it's a habit"

"Come sit with me, Ace"

He listened to what I said and sat right next to me "I want to talk about some things to get to know each other better"

He nodded "Ok fist thing I want to ask is about your family"

"Oh my family... that is my 2 brothers, Luffy, and Sabo, and my brothers on white beards ship"

I looked at him "So do you consider White beard as a father or?"

He chuckled "No he is my dad as far as I'm concerned" this man is kind and nice to talk to

"Ok my question is, why did you say yes to me coming with you?"

I looked him in the eyes "Because I also have a sibling and I would do anything to see them again"

"Oh I understand... you have really pretty eyes Y/N... oh wait I'm sorry that was creepy"

I blushed "No it's fine... I like your freckles"

Now it was his turn to blush "A-anyways you should join the white beard pirates! I think pops would love to have a daughter "

"Heh not happening freckles, I have my responsibilities around here so sorry"

"So that's a no" he looks confused "Nope"

"Well darn"

I got up and pated him on the shoulder "I got to clean up, but it was nice talking to you"
I'm so sorry I made Ace's long, I ship him with my OC so I'm working on their story in this book :)

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