My Mate is a Greek God

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Title: My Mate is a Greek God
Author: @lyndieluv
Genre: Humor/Werewolf/Paranormal

Before I get started, I just want to commend you on your sense of humor! I actually laughed out loud at least once each chapter. Your book made my entire day and has easily become one of my favorites.

Grammar/Punctuation: It's apparent to me that you have a good grasp on what proper grammar and punctuation should look like, but there were a few problems here and there. It's nothing a quick proofread and a couple minutes of editing won't fix. I do want to say that all of the titles of the chapters should be capitalized the same as the title of your book. It looks out of place for only some of the words to be capitalized.

In the first chapter I noticed a couple errors. For example, you wrote, "I'm a werewolf. Yep, a werewolf. Ya know, the kind that howls and has mates and stuff like that?" Normally I would argue that the random placement of this paragraph made absolutely no sense, but for humor's sake it was perfect. However, I would recommend making sure to properly spell everything out when it's a part of the narration like this. In dialogue it makes sense, because you want to write out how the character is pronouncing everything, but it doesn't fit quite right otherwise.

Within the same paragraph, you also wrote, "My mother is a human and took me in as a rogue when my pack was brutally murdered years ago blah blah blah blah." Funny, but take out the "blah blah blah blah." I understand it may have been added to remind the reader that it's not serious, but satire is much more impactful and humorous when it's not openly mocked like this. At least, that's my opinion.

Another problem I noticed was that you show a tendency to not write out complete sentences. For example, in chapter three, you've written "When suddenly. / Panicked screams fill the air. Students run around in circles." While I understand you wanted to show emphasis on their actions and how abrupt it was, let the words do that for you. Instead write, "When suddenly abrupt, panicked screams start filling the air. Students begin to run around in circles." It flows much better while still getting your point across.

I would recommend double checking everything when you go back to edit, as these are just some examples that popped out at me, but otherwise great job!

Title/Summary: The title is hilarious. I'll be honest, I'm so happy this ended up being a humorous book. I thought it was serious and my heart sank when I first read it. This is a prime example of not judging a book based off its cover, or title, really.

The summary is great, too. It's short, sweet, and to the point, all things that I love in a description. I personally love how you described it too, like when you wrote, "disgustingly perfect life" and "her mate- the Alpha King God Beast" to hint that this is satire. It's not so obvious that it slaps you in the face, but not too serious to suggest that it's just a horribly cliche storyline either. It's fantastic. I love it.

Plot/Character Development: Despite the fact that it is not a book to take seriously, I do think you did a good job with the plot and character development. The plot is very clearly a mashup of cliches that we've all read a thousand times before, and therefore doesn't matter nearly as much, at least in my opinion.

Despite the fact that these characters have traits that are also a mashup of cliches we've all read a thousand times before, I would argue that you somehow managed to put your own twist on them, which is awesome! Brenda, for example, the main's bff that's an Irish girl with an obsession of vintage candies? What the fuck? I love her! And then the fact that you randomly throw in her ability to shapeshift? Yes, a cliche, but at the same time I had no idea what to expect. My god, I laughed so fucking hard when she transformed into garlic. Who the hell does that? Brenda does.

And don't even get me started on CHAD McDRACULA JR. I lost my mind, I was laughing so hard. I literally have no recommendations for you here. I love it just the way it is.

OVERALL: Ugh, you're so funny. This was honestly so much fun to read and it truly did make my entire day. Humor is definitely the way to my heart. Keep up the fantastic work! I can't wait to see where Brett and Lydia end up, LOL.

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