"Who doesn't want me dead? Miguel?"

All of a sudden there was a gunshot and Andre fell to the ground. I spun around to see Aaron and Silas standing behind me, Aaron threw a guy to the ground and the weapon next to him.

"Aaron…. Stop killing people."


I ran over to Andre, kicking his gun away from him before checking for a pulse but there wasn't one. "Relax? He was my only fucking lead." I hissed as I watched him fixing his glove.

"I'll give you more information than he would have. I'll meet you after you talk with the police."

They all left and moments later, cops came running up to me.

"Are you hurt, Woods?" An officer asked.

"Where the hell were all of you?"


"What the hell took you so long?"

"There was an anonymous tip that came in across town about a bomb. Everyone was there trying to secure the area."

"Was there a bomb?"


"So a decoy?"

"Thea? Thank God you're alright." Briggs and Gray said as they came over to me. "Was this you?" Briggs pointed down at Andre.

I shook my head. "No."

"Did you see who shot him?"

Technically not. "Umm, it all happened so fast. I was looking at Andre when the shot went off. Andre dropped immediately and then the guy over there fell."

What the hell was I doing?

I shook away my nerves. "I was bringing the vases back down to the evidence room when I noticed Jack was shot and the door was cracked open. I reached in, pressed the red button under Jack's desk, called for backup before going in. Andre was in the evidence room, He asked me where the vases were... I lied and told him they were gone. Then he said something about someone not wanting me dead, so I was supposed to stay there so I didn't get hurt. That's when he took off and I followed him here. I asked him about the vases and why he wanted them but he never gave me an answer and that's when the gun went off."

"Did he ever tell you who doesn't want you dead?"

"He never had time to tell me. I think it's Miguel."

Both Briggs and Gray nodded. "Go home, Thea. I'll clean this mess up and call you if I hear anything."

I nodded and was escorted back to the office by a few officers.

When I got home I got out of my car and started walking to my apartment when I heard a loud whistle. I turned to the alley across the street and saw Aaron leaning up against the building.

I paused for a moment before going over to him. "What?"

"Come with me." He turned and started walking down the alley.

I let out a breath and started following him to the other end of the alley where there was a Bugatti car waiting, "Get in."

"Aaron, could you have picked a more expensive car?"

"Next time I'll bring my mini van."

My eyes widened, "You have a minivan?"

He started laughing, "No, get in the car."

I opened the door and got in. He started the car and took off.

"I thought we were just going to talk, where are we going?"

"A drive."

"Like hell. Take me back."

"Do you want information or not?"

"Yes of course I do."

"Great. Now that that's settled, you know how you told me you found five vases?"


He reached down in between his console and pulled out a paper, "Well I looked into it. Did they look anything like this?"

I looked over the picture and saw six vases, "Yes, we have five of these. We don't have this one." I pointed down at the picture.

"These specific vases are from an ancient Chinese family. They belonged to a king and queen many many years ago and are worth a fortune."

"Like how much are we talking?"

"Together 12.2 million, possibly more. Separately they go for much less. Most people want the full set."

"And are willing to kill to get the set." I added.


"How in the hell did Andre get his hands on something like this? I don't want to sound mean but he isn't the smartest bad guy."

"He has to be taking orders from someone. The Cobras aren't the strongest gang out there, they have become more powerful over the last few years."

"When I was talking to Andre today, he said 'for some reason he doesn't want me dead'."


"I don't know? You killed Andre before he answered me."

Aaron started laughing, "I didn't kill Andre."

"Then who shot him?"

"That asshole behind you. He was about to shoot you and I hit his hand, resulting in Andres' death."

"Then what happened to that guy?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He said in a playful tone, putting the car in park.

I looked out the window and saw we were at Rynes house. "Why are we here?"

"It's Thanksgiving, Sofia has made a delicious meal for everyone."

He got out. "Aaron, I'm not getting out of this car. I don't want to be here."

He leaned down and smiled, "You owe me a dinner." He stood back up, shut his door and came around to my side.

I hurried up and locked the doors, "I'm not going in there."

He was still smiling as he got to my door. He lifted up the keys and unlocked the door.


"Yes you are, come on." He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me out.

I swatted away his hand, "Why are you doing this to me? Fine, you want dinner with me? You and me, my place, tomorrow night. My treat. Please, take me home."

He just looked at me. "I don't want you alone tonight. It's Thanksgiving."

"I know that. That's your family in there, not mine. I don't want to be a burden, I'm fine with going home and having pizza and a bottle of wine… by myself."

He continued to stare at me, "Okay here's the deal. You go in there with me and I'll give you the sixth vase."

"You have it?"

He nodded.

I went to say something but I stopped. I didn't get why he was doing this. If he felt sorry for me, I didn't want him to. I was perfectly fine on my own and knew I was going to feel stupid being in there.

I sighed, "if you're lying to me-"

"I'm not. I want you with me tonight… as my guest."

AaronWhere stories live. Discover now