4- I'll track him down

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Thea's P.O.V.

I was missing something and I needed to clear my head. After getting the news of Officer Hall nothing was making sense so I headed outside for some fresh air and caffeine.

I walked down the street to a little coffee vendor that sat on the side of the street. They had the most delicious black coffee that beat the office coffee any day.


I looked up from my phone and instantly started to smile, giving the man a hug. "Judge Coleman. How are you?"

Dale and I go way back to when my family was killed. He was the Judge that was assigned to my case and a man that made sure I got into a good placement for two years until I graduated.

I went to him and his wife for guidance as I got older and I told them what I was thinking of doing with my future.

I owed a lot to that man.

"Please, I've told you before, call me Dale. I'm doing good." He motioned to his cup of coffee, "Needed a little pick me up before court today. How are you doing?"

"We had the same idea and I've been good too. There's another case I'm working on so that's keeping me busy. I needed caffeine and some fresh air."

"I heard about the Millers, such a great couple."

"That's what I hear. Did you know them well?"

"Victoria and I worked on a few of the same cases throughout the years and we had the same circle of friends so we hung out at the country club quite a bit."

"I saw that you had some of the same cases when I went over her case files. I don't suppose you know anything that can lead me into the right direction of finding the people that did this?"

"None that I can think of. If I think of anything, you'll be the first to know. I'm assuming no leads?"

"Not really, no."

"You'll find something, you always do."

I hoped he was right.

"So, when are you finally going to retire?"

He started laughing, "A few more years. Isabella and I need somewhere warmer in the winters."

"I hear you. New York is my home, I'm not sure I'll ever leave though."

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe someone will come into your life and change all of that."

I started laughing, "Highly doubtful but maybe."

"There's no special man in your life?"

"No. I don't have the time for relationships."

"What about that young district attorney?" He hinted. Dale and Isabella were out to dinner one night when Matt and I were and he's been teasing me ever since.

I started laughing and shook my head. "He's just a good friend."

He looked down at his watch, "Alright. Gosh, it was so good to see you but I've got to go. I'll have Isabella call you and we'll have you over for dinner sometime, we haven't done that for a while."

"I'd really like that."

"Perfect, I'll see you around, kiddo."


Dale walked away and I walked up to the vendor. "A large black coffee, please."

As she made my coffee, I looked back at my phone...

Matt- What do you have planned tonight? I'm thinking... you & me at the new Cuban restaurant downtown and then some alone time? 😈

I started smiling.

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