The Black Swan

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"It gives me chills to be back here," Kayla admitted as the fairies, Seth, and Harrison walked through the decayed forest.

"Looks like someone's scared," Holden mocked before a twig snapped. The unicorn flinched in fear as Matthew accidentally lifted his hoof.

"Sorry about that," the boar apoligzed.

"Yeah, that someone is you," Brooklyn retorted as they continued on their way.

The group eventually made it to their destination: Jeremy's lair.

Seth tried to get a good glimpse of the inside but he was having a difficult time with his eyesight. "Simon... Is he...?"

Harrison leered at the lair, able to make it out, and gave his verdict, "Still alive, but under a magic spell."

"I thought Simon was already under a spell?" Hannah thought aloud.

Harrison shook his head, "No. Elves are known to morph into one woodland creature only. With his bear form, he could have easily torn out of the place."

"So, why didn't he?" Johnny asked.

"Jeremy's magic, obviously," Camille grimly stated, "His magic continues to grow. Maybe he prevented Simon from transforming."

"Well, no beating around the bush," Heaven said, "How do we bust in?"

"We are not 'busting' in," Brandon corrected, "We are just getting in and out."

"Which is the definition of busting in," the wolf clarified. The fox merely rolled his eyes.

Seth began to say, "Jeremy flies everywhere he goes..." The swan began looking at the roof, trying his best, "Maybe there's an entrance near the roof. I can find out."

"Hold up," Holden interjected, "We are not getting sidelined from this. What? Are we supposed to just hang out here and watch?!"

"I never said that," the swan responded before explaining the plan.

After the explanation, Seth took a deep breath and flew towards the treehouse. He wasn't expecting it to be easy as four crows swooped down to intercept the waterfowl.

Seth dodged and weaved through them with grace, even slapping one away with his left wing. The crows managed to continue their chase and prevent the Chosen One from entering. With the minions on his tail feathers, Seth dove into the cloud of fog beneath Jeremy's treehouse.

Since the crows can't see, they wait for the swan to reappear. Not a second later, Seth flew straight out and disoriented all four minions long enough to reach the highest part of the lair.

Seth manages to find an accessible window, entering the lair. Flying through the treehouse, Seth descended a stairwell before entering the main foyer. Seth landed on the floor and began searching.

"Simon? Simon?" the swan whispered and moved his head all over.

"Over here!"

Seth wandered to a small crevice in a wall and saw what Simon had become: a worm.

"Simon?" Seth said in shock at the former elf.

"The one and only," the worm elf lamented, "Don't even ask. The crows are everywhere! And I'm supposed to satisfy them!"

Seth immediately got the message, gingerly picking up the worm with his beak.

"Don't get any ideas," Simon pleaded.

"Relax, I've been having greens for the past few days. You're not even within my diet," Seth informed before tossing the worm in the air. The former elf landed on his head.

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