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Seth had the house to himself since his dad had taken off for a grocery run. He was spending it as he would: dancing to the most wonderful humming in the background.

"Hmmm-mm Hmmmm-mmm... Hmmm-mm Hmmmm-mmm Hmmmm-mm Hmmmm-mmm... Hm-mm Hmmmmm!"

Seth danced with a ballet like posture. He performed such a graceful dance with fluid posture. Somedays, he wish he was performing in front of an audience, but the idea of that terrified him. He didn't like it when all eyes are on him, it made him feel judged. In his opinion, it took courage to dance like that. After the melody ended, he let out a sigh, "Ugh. Who am I kidding?

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard commotion outside. Curious, Seth looked out a window and saw two figures run by. Seth exited his house in a hurry before seeing the sight.

Image his surprise when he saw a white tailed deer doe and a white unicorn in front of him. The two woodland faunas met the gaze of the light skin, as if there were in awe of him.

"Over there!" "I see them!"

Seth turned to where the commotion was taking place and saw a man with a bow. The archer drew his bow back and fired an arrow that missed the two hoofed creatures. "Don't let them get away!"

Seth's heart dropped at the idea of one of the animals getting struck with an arrow. He loves animals and the idea of the hunter killing a unicorn, an animal thought to be a myth, and a female doe terrified him. Seth immediately took action to follow the two mammals to make sure they don't get hurt and locked the house behind him. Seth ran around the block to see what the animals had gotten themselves into now.

The white tailed deer doe was cornered by two men with a large net while the unicorn was circled by men. It looked like all hope for the mammals were lost until the unicorn's horn emitted a semi bright glare that blinded the men. The two men with the net turned to face the light but held their hands to block the brightness, dropping the net in the process and allowing the doe to flee.

The archer returned and drew his bow again, aiming at the doe.

"No!" Seth cried, "Don't hurt her!"

The archer ignored his plea and fired, but missed again. The unicorn seemed to smirk at the archer's attempt, almost gloating him.

"Come on! We can cut it off before it makes it back to the forest!"

Seth watched the group of men hurry after the two hoofed animals, dread returning to his mind. As long as those animals were here, the group would continue to hunt them down. Seth entered an alley, hoping to get to the doe and unicorn before the group did. A neigh caught his attention and Seth picked up the pace before seeing what had made the noise.

A man with a lasso had roped the unicorn around the neck, grinning as he had the mythical creature in his grasp. "This will make a mighty fine sale!"

What he didn't take into account was the doe, who rammed him from behind, freeing her hoofed friend. The unicorn whined and took off with the deer behind him, keeping up the pace. But the rope was still on the unicorn's neck, causing Seth to have anxiety.

As the unicorn headed back into the forest, the rope got stuck on a branch. The unicorn yelped before being yanked to the ground, due to the sudden lurch. Seth saw the event and went to help, but the unicorn got up and shook off the pain. While the group was no longer following either fauna, the unicorn was still in danger with the rope on his neck. The doe ran past her friend, heading deeper into the forest while the unicorn lingered behind.

Seth, while loving nature, had never gone this far in the forest. But seeing how to the group was more intent on harming the animals rather than helping, Seth mustered up the courage and went in. The deeper he went in, the more peaceful and beautiful the forest became. It became quiet and serene with flowering bushes and trees, sunlight beaming through some of the trees, and a stream of glistening blue water.

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