Chapter 1

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"Some say there are no guarantees in life, but I disagree. With life comes many certainties, such as pain and sorrow..." -Kikyou

"Uh... Rin? It's time for you to get your meal now."

Lord Sesshomaru stared beyond a cliff during a clear, cool spring day. He placed a long, white lock of hair behind his elfin ears and looked behind. There, stood his two-headed lizard demons, Ah-Un, and the green toad demon, Jaken. Rin, his only human cohort, was behind the three, admiring the cherry blossom trees which hovered above them. She had on a striped red and white kimono that fell on her knees. Her silk brown hair was set up in a side pony-tail, covering one of her small, delicate ears.

Rin slowly turned to him and smiled. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkled with life.

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru," she replied when she bowed before him. Then she sauntered off into the dense pink and green forest, in search of some food.

Contrary to what her demeanor portrayed, Rin was not happy to leave her master. She was never happy to be without him—but she was hungry, and Lord Sesshomaru had been looking beyond the cliff for more than half an hour, sniffing out a demon—she thought. She didn't really know actually. What she could acknowledge, without a doubt, was the distinct sound of her stomach grumbling. She was sure Lord Sesshomaru had heard.

How embarrassing, she thought as she continued down the trail of cherry blossom trees. It was truly a beautiful day. The sun was just setting, causing yellow-orange rays to beam through the trees, creating pockets of light on the grass. She hopped on to the patches that were on her path—and then came to a sudden halt.

Just beyond an old, almost gray Sakura tree, she noticed the silhouette of someone against a thick, green bush. It was at a fair distance where it could not detect her presence, so she was able to observe the figure well enough to see that the being wasn't large enough to belong to a deadly demon, but it certainly was sizable enough to belong to a human.

Those beings frightened Rin. The only men she'd ever befriended were Inuyasha, Miroku and Kohaku. And they just became men. Inuyasha was estimated, through physique, to be twenty eight—at least, that's what Kagome claimed—and the monk, Miroku, was thirty.

As for Kohaku, Rin had not seen the sweetheart in years, for he became a prominent demon hunter, known throughout the clans of Japan. His occupation was rather compromising, so she could not be close to him as they once were. Though he respected Lord Sesshomaru, he made a habit of taking down demons, indiscriminately. Lord Sesshomaru did not like this, as he despised most humans who dared to attack his race. But he allowed him to continue, so long as he destroyed only the most destructive of his ilk. Past company excluded.

Rin fled from most men as if they suffered from a plague. Why? Because nothing good came out of man. They were the ones who'd killed her family for no good reason, after all.

In an effort to steer clear from danger, she spun around and rushed back to where Lord Sesshomaru would be. She hoped.

He wasn't there.


A cool breeze fluttered through her tresses, causing hair to fly into her mouth. She spat it out and wiped her kimono, forcing herself to stay calm and serene, breathing in and out. In and out.

"I'll have to find a new place to get food." The forest was large enough. There had to be something to eat a little further down. "I'll settle for some fish."

She went down the cliff, carefully trekking through the rocky slope. There was a river bank, filled with—what she hoped was—really tasty fish. On the other side, stood a dense, seemingly endless forest, littered with ever-green trees which appeared to touch the sky.

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